Wednesday, November 01, 2006

ArticleBlaster Important Facts About Strategic Planning


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Mario Churchill

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Article Title: Important Facts About Strategic Planning
Author: Mario Churchill
Word Count: 599
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Author's Email Address: article.mario[at] (replace
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Every person has a goal; regardless of what areas of their
lives it is being associated. A goal will remain a goal unless
it was successfully achieved. Many would ask why some people
are successful and some are not. Well, the answer lies on
strategic planning.

Strategic planning is the process of developing strategies and
defining objectives to reach a particular goal or set of goals.
If you labeled your planning as "strategic" then you must expect
that it would perfectly operate on a grand scale. It will
achieve success in a broader field.

It is very different from "tactical" planning which focuses
more on individual detailed tactics of activities. "Long range"
planning however projects current programs and activities into a
modified outlook of the outside world where it describes the
phenomenon that will likely occur.

Strategic planning is creating more desirable results in the
future through influencing the external world, and adapting
current actions and programs to achieve a more favorable result
in the outside environment.

There are different reasons why most people are doing strategic

1.To acquire the capability in obtaining the desired

2.To fit well on both the organization's core competencies and
resources, and to the external world. Make sure that your plans
are appropriate and feasible.

3.To acquire the capability in providing competitive advantage
that is sustainable within the organization.

4.To prove that it is flexible, dynamic, and adaptable even to
changeable situations.

5.To be sufficient in providing favorable results without

These advantages will not be realized without its
methodologies. Strategic planning depends on STP (three-step
process) process. "S" for situation where it was been
thoroughly evaluated, "T" for Target where goals and objectives
are defined, and "P" for path where the routes of goals and
objectives are clearly mapped.

However another alternative approach can also be used. It is
known as the Draw-See-Think-Plan procedures. "Draw" creates the
desired image and achievements. "See" evaluates current
situation and detects gaps between ideal situation and current
situation. "Think" develops specific actions that must be done
to bridge the gaps between ideal situation and current
situation. "Plan" lists down required resources for the
execution of activities.

Strategic planning is also considered a set of creative and
logical steps.

1.It clarifies the objectives to be achieved. These objectives
are ranked according to the level of its importance. It can
either be TRO (Top Rank Objective), 2nd Rank Objective, 3rd
Rank Objective and so on. The lower rank objectives answers the
"How" question while higher rank objective answers the "why"
question. However TRO is exempted because the objective here is

2.It gathers and analyzes the information. It includes internal
assessment on resources, and external assessment which include
environmental scanning. Morphological analysis is used by both
internal and external assessments. SWOT analysis can also be
incorporated to assess the aspects of environments and
organizations that are essential in achieving the strategic
plan objectives.

3.It evaluates objective feasibility in the SWOT view. SWOT is
the acronyms which stands fro Strengths, Opportunities,
Weaknesses, and Threats.

4.It develops strategy involving SWOT.

5.It develops action programs creating a more attractive

To summarize everything, strategic planning provides overall
strategic direction on the core management of the company. It
gives a more specific direction in areas such as marketing
strategy, financial strategy, human resource strategy,
organizational development strategy, and deployment information
technology strategy to achieve success.

About The Author: Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has
written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more
information checkout and

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

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