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Craig Andrews
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Article Title: Overcome Your URL Aftermath - Drive More
Internet Profits To Your Site!
Author: Craig Andrews
Word Count: 580
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: craig[at]craigsandr
[at] with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
Most article marketer's know the value of article marketing,
but few really know why or how to get the most out of their
article submissions. The reason is because of the many false
ideas in the marketplace regarding article marketing. So let me
set the record straight on at least one of the biggest false
Many article marketers fall prey into believing that one
article published in many sites, ezines, and newsletters will
benefit them by bringing in lots of traffic. Well, basically
this idea is really only partially correct. Yes it does help to
get your word out to many places, but there is a big difference
between getting the same content out to many places and getting
unique content to many places.
As most of us know Google is the king when it comes to search
engines. Unfortunately sending the same article to many
Websites, ezines, and newsletters will not help you with
Google, but actually hurt you in the long run. Why you ask?
Becuase of Google's "Duplicate Content Filter". Google's
duplicate content filter will screen out multiple versions of
your same article and will leave you with a handful of inbound
links to your site. Inbound links to your site is a key factor
in search engine ranking. The more inbound links, the more
traffic, the better your ranking and opportunity to drive your
sales skyward!
There are really only two ways you can fix this "Duplicate
Content" problem. One way is you could sit down with a big pot
of coffee and enough sandwiches to last you a few days and
start writing hundreds of different article so each one is
filled with unique content about your same subject! Or, you can
use an article submission software that will submit hundreds,
and possibly thousands of unique articles for you at the click
of your mouse! Did you catch that?! Hundreds and also thousands
of unique article for you at the click of your mouse! I don't
know about you, but I'd rather save on all the lunchmeat and
that coffee happens to keep me up all night.
The strategy behind submitting unique articles with different
content is in the software. Through three different versions of
your article it will randomly select paragraphs from those three
articles and create a unique article each and every time it
submits an article. Can you feel the power?! You can arrive at
literally hundreds or thousands of unique article versions
depending on the amount of paragrphs your three versions
contain. It stops "Duplicate Content" dead in it's tracks,
overcoming your URL aftermath!
It has been proven through testing that roughly 300 inbound
links to a website shrink to around 16 inbound links after
several weeks of submitting the same article to many different
sources. By using this awesome article marketing tool you can
increase your efectiveness with article submissions by 1875% or
18.75 times more. 300 inbound links will stay at 300 inbound
links, not dropping down to 16 inbound links. Google will see
your articles as unique and will show them all in your search
results. The more results drive more traffic to your site. More
traffic to your site drives more sales, and more sales will
drive your profits skyward!
This is the most powerful article submission strategy available
to increase your overall efffectiveness of all you article
marketing campaigns. Now that's a benifit all article
marketer's should take notice of.
About The Author: Drive more traffic to your site through
article submission. Article Pro Software increases your
effectiveness to your URL promotion by 1875%. After proven
tests, Article Pro Software will retain the inbound links
generated through it's unique article submissions.
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