Sunday, November 12, 2006

ArticleBlaster Have You Noticed Your Response Dropping With Each Mailing?


Author Name: Melissa Mangrum
Contact Email Address:
Category: Home Business, Marketing, Internet, ECommerce, Education
Description: Could this be the end of the world, or just the end of internet marketing? Are they just not clicking on your email links lately? You're not alone... Big dog marketers from every corner of the globe have noticed a massive drop in response in recent weeks.

But what is causing this and is there any hope for the dying internet marketer?
Keywords: death of internet marketing,low response,less clicks,email marketing,internet marketing
Word Count: 516

Article Content:

The death of internet marketing. Some of us saw this coming and gave words of warning on teleseminars and behind the closed doors of exclusive seminars.

But our words were headed with the all the seriousness of a naked man on the street corner. Wearing nothing but a painted wooden sign with big red lettering spelling out "The End is Nigh."

It has happened, internet marketing finally dried up. Those still surviving retreat to the caves and by firelight devise a new strategy.

Why? Because we are far from the end and surrender is not an option for those of us making a living off our lists.

There are a couple of major causes for this catastrophie:

Number one being (drumroll please) "successful product launch formulas have been exposed." There were tons of marketers out there having phenomenal launches and creating products describing exactly how they accomplished this.

Now there is an overabundance of "How to have a successful launch" products. Every marketer and his brother that has the drive to succeed is studying and applying everthing in these launch packages.

The result being an overwhelming number of launches, and an inbox stuffed to the gills with limited time, one time offers, and the best thing since sliced bread products.

I'm not the only one that opens my inbox and has to wipe out everything "marketing" just to get to my personal emails.

It's like email marketing message genocide. I seriously feel bad clearing out hundreds of emails. But with the taste of guilt in my throat and for the health of my inbox I hit that delete button.

Number two would be Cross Pollenization. In short, email marketing in the internet marketing niche, because of factors like: Joint Ventures, List Brokering, Give Away List Splitting, and Solo Exchanges - is a wasteland. Everyone is on everyone else's list.

All the lists in the internet marketing product niche are basically composed of the same mass of people. So one marketer prepares a launch, gets all his partners and affiliates together to get the product out there...

And creates one result for the unsuspecting subscriber - 20, 30, sometimes 50 marketers all promoting the same product. Often using the same promotional emails!

For those of you left going "Whah?" here's a little story:

Imagine this - the world of internet marketing, email marketering especially can be likened to an empty ocean. The marketers being the fisherman and the fish being the people on your list - your bread and butter.

Now if tons of fisherman learned how to create the perfect lure and cast the net using the best techniques, the fish population would drastically decline in the internet marketing niche ocean.

The second problem would arise and the fish - being exposed to similar lures and techniques - would begin to avoid or outsmart the net and tire of the bait or only bite the first that came along.

Those fisherman without a big stock of fish in some other pond would slowly begin to lose their business. Unless of course they found a new way to fish...

Author Biography:

I am a sixth-year veteran of internet marketing along with my husband Jason, who told the world this would happen over a year ago. If you'd like to join me in the cave and find a new way to fish send me an email here: <a href=""></a>


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