Wednesday, November 01, 2006

ArticleBlaster The Elephant Method - Have You Heard Of It?


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Kim Klaver

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Article Title: The Elephant Method - Have You Heard Of It?
Author: Kim Klaver
Word Count: 391
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address:[at] (replace [at]
with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
There's something new you'd like to try. But you're scared to
do it because you might make a fool of yourself, or heaven
forbid, people will belittle you and you'll know you should
never have tried it in the first place. And you don't have a
5-hour block of quiet time to study it. So on the back burner
it goes.

But somewhere inside, you DO want to try it even though it
makes you a little nervous. Time for the elephant method.

Have you heard of it?

"When a wild elephant is to be tamed and trained, the best way
to begin is by yoking it to one that has already been through
the process. By contact, the wild one comes to see that the
condition it is being led toward is not wholly incompatible
with being an elephant - that what is expected of it does not
contradict its nature categorially, but heralds a condition
that, though startlingly different, is viable.

The author then adds the best known way to survive this process
of evolving:

"The constant, immediate, and contagious example of its yoke
fellow can teach it as nothing else can. Training for the life
of [the spirit/sales/relating to others] is no different. The
transformation facing the untrained is neither smaller than the
elephant's nor less demanding. Without visible evidence that
success is possible, without a continuous transfusion of
courage, discouragement is bound to set in..." -Huston Smith,

Isn't that why Jesus told his disciples to go tell the story,
and to Go 2 by two to do it?

Is anyone still doing that in network marketing today?

Tell your experience.

P.S. We have run cadaver calling sessions in teams for years.
In last week's New School class, a whole group did it in pairs.
Teaming up is the only reason most of them did it at all. One
gal couldn't eat or sleep all week in anticipation of this
dreaded activity. We paired her with someone who went first,
and our gal listened to 5-7 calls first. Then she got HER nerve
up, did it many times, and now she's offering to help others in
the class make calls in case they're as scared as she was

About The Author: Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated.
Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a
popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site,

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Kim Klaver please visit:

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