Thursday, September 14, 2006

ArticleBlaster Market With Phone Calls For Powerful, Personal Results


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Kevin Nunley

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Article Title: Market With Phone Calls For Powerful, Personal
Author: Kevin Nunley
Word Count: 745
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: kevin[at] (replace [at]
with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Sometimes people forget that a phone call can be just as
effective as the Internet or e-mail. There are a few simple
guidelines that can make your phone call more productive.

Many people are under a lot of pressure. Make sure when you
call you ask if it is a good time to talk. Most will say yes,
but it immediately shows you respect their time. Also,
depending on how well you know the person, you should target
your call. Plan a specific topic you want to talk about. The
higher up the ladder the person is in the company, the more
targeted your conversation should be.

After you talk with someone, write down the information that
you've learned about them. It makes prospects feel important
when it appears you remember all about them the next time you

Maintaining contact after you have met someone is extremely
valuable. Think of different, creative ways to keep in touch.
Perhaps you could send them a birthday card, a thank-you note,
or call and congratulate them on a special occasion. Every time
you make contact, learn something new about them and add it to
your record.

These are great ways to build relationships with customers,
relationships that keep them coming back and buying more.

Here's how you can profit from five very wise telephone
techniques that will help you increase your clients and sales.

1. Plan your call in advance. What are you going to say?

Make some notes on a pad in front of you. You don't need to
script every word, but memorizing the general structure of your
call and key points you want to make will make the sales call
smoother and much more enjoyable.

2. Tell your story. What is there about you and your business
that would interest lots of prospects. In Tom's case, it's his
trusted, personal service to the community. People know him.
They don't know his larger competitors.

"I've worked for several people in your neighborhood," Tom
tells a prospect over the phone. "Maybe you know Mrs. Jones on
2nd Street or Mr. Magumba down the block from you." That's a
story that would get his prospect's attention.

3. Whether you are calling a residence or a business, try to
reach the boss--the person who can make the decision to buy
your service or product. In the meantime, tell your story to as
many people in the organization as you can. The boss may want
second opinions before she buys, and she'll be reassured to
find that others in the group already know about you.

4. Leave creative messages. Many of the calls you make will be
intercepted by answering machines, voice mail, and secretaries.
Don't miss the chance to leave a message that will make the
prospect want to call back.

"George! This is Tom James of Creative Solutions. I've got a
way you can cut your production costs by 20%." Prospects want
to know why you are calling, and a good reason why they should
call you back. Provide both in your message.

5. Take notes on your calls. When George calls you back you'll
want to be able to immediately remember who he is, when you
called him, who you talked to, and what you said in past
conversations and messages. If you've been making dozens or
hundreds of calls, this can become impossible without notes to
refer back to.

If a prospect calls you back a week later, and you realize that
you haven't the foggiest idea who they are, give yourself a
moment to refresh your memory.

Say, "I'm glad you called. Hold on just a second while I get to
my desk." Put the prospect on hold while you check your notes.
You can go back to the call fully prepared to deliver your

Don't take the telephone for granted. It's one of your most
powerful sales tools. Expensive mass media, like TV and
newspapers, can't match the telephone's ability to touch
prospects and customers in very personal ways.

Don't be afraid to promote your business over the phone. People
want and need your product or service. Reaching prospects
through the phone, and sharing your enthusiasm and belief in
your company and yourself, can be a superior way to build your
client list.

About The Author: Get Kevin's famous copy writing. There is no
better way to make your marketing or web site turn more
prospects into buying customers. Click now to see his
affordable writing packages: Reach Kevin at from his web
site for a fast response!

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