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Jamie Clarkson
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Article Title: Do Safelists Work?
Author: Jamie Clarkson
Word Count: 522
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: info[at]make-
(replace [at] with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
What is a safelist?
A safelist is a website that provides a way for people who join
to send out ads and information to each other. Many of the ads
found on safelists concern ways to make money online. Safelists
were created mainly in response to the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003,
which placed serious restrictions on spamming and which allows
for prosecution of those individuals and companies who
transgress these restrictions. Safelists are "safe" because
they provide a place for people to advertise without being
accused of spamming, which can get you into all sorts of
trouble if enough people complain. No one who is really trying
to create a business online wants to be accused of spamming.
Safelists come in all sizes, as they can be owned or started by
anyone who wants one, Some of them have thousands of members,
while others have just a few. There are also services called
"safelist submitters," which allow you to join and send to
hundreds or thousands of safelists at once. If you are
submitting to thousands of safelists, you are sending your
emails to hundreds of thousands or millions of people, which
sounds very exciting. Safelists have been considered for
several years now to be the best place for new marketers or
"newbies" to start their business. But, do they really work?
For the most part, safelist marketing has become obsolete and
outdated. It used to work much better, but since everyone's
doing it, it doesn't work very well anymore, especially because
many people now use huge mailboxes that can automatically delete
all messages. In that way, people don't have to go through their
mailboxes and actually look at any of the mail, which means they
aren't really reading any of the messages.
What does work?
With a very catchy or striking subject line, you can still get
a few people here and there to open your email, provided you
send out enough of them to the safelists and at the right time
of the week and day. The correct time and date are usually
considered to be "secrets," but they are common sense. Weekends
are usually not a good time, as people are interested not in
work but in play at that time. Many people work in offices and
don't want to read emails after they get home, if they even
have a home computer, so there are many people reading (and
deleting) their messages during lunch hour. Now, "lunch hour"
varies around the world, as does the "weekend," so you will
have to account for when that will occur most appropriately for
your business enterprise. If you join a safelist submitter that
mails to at least 1 million people, if you have a catchy
subject line and a compelling body copy, and if you send out
these messages - rotating your ads - at the appropriate times
of day and week, you may see a satisfying amount of traffic
going to your website. In this sense, it can be said that
safelists do work, but that "iffy" success is only one part of
the net-marketing battle!
About The Author: Online since 1995, Jamie Clarkson owns one
website that receives a half a million hits and 60,000 unique
visitors per month. For more information on safelists
submitters or on how to submitting a safelist you own, you can
go to
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