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Article Title: Buying From Other Network Marketers Wasn't An
Option That I Considered In The Past.
Author: Kim Klaver
Word Count: 380
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: refresh.me[at]
with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
Just in from Larry Jolly, NMC member...who bought from Ann,
another member...
"Hi Kim -
I was on the Network Marketing Central (
Saturday and you showed Ann's profile.
I had been looking for some healthy treats for my dog who needs
to lose a few pounds.
I hadn't really thought about looking for a Network Marketer.
I could tell from Ann's profile that she was passionate about
animals and she sounded like someone I would like doing
business with.
So, after the call, I sent her an email.
We exchanged several emails and she was very helpful. She
wasn't pushy and never mentioned the business.
Yesterday, I placed an initial order (on autoship) for some
healthy dog treats and some diet dog food. I also ordered some
free samples for our cat.
Buying from (and selling to) other Network Marketers wasn't
really an option that I seriously considered in the past.
So, bottom line, it was a very pleasant experience and I will
think of using Network Marketing Central in the future when I
need something...
It works..."
Music to my ears, since that's the purpose of this first phase
of the NMC community - to introduce networkers who already use
and market high grade products and services to others who
market other special products because they too, love them and
use them.
Where else can you go to find cutting edge stuff that is sold
by people who actually USE it themselves and can speak from
their own experience?
And where none of them will hit you up for the business when
you just want to be a customer? What if you had 100 customers
just buying from you?
Wait till the non-networkers hear about this. I'd prefer to buy
a product that is meaningful to me from someone who uses it
anyday over some clerk who can't pronounce the product's name.
[Note: For other folks who market healthy pet products on NMC,
go to NMC, and enter pet products in the top left Search box.
You'll see Dr. Linda, Karen, Elaine...]
About The Author: Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated.
Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a
popular blog, http://KimKlaverBlo
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