Wednesday, December 06, 2006

ArticleBlaster 7 Proven Tips To Accelerate Your Success In Making Money Online Through Internet Marketing


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Mohamad Latiff Bin Rahim

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Article Title: 7 Proven Tips To Accelerate Your Success In
Making Money Online Through Internet Marketing
Author: Mohamad Latiff Bin Rahim
Word Count: 712
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: mohamad[at]
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
1. Like everything else in life, there are truly no secrets at
all to succeeding in making money online through internet
marketing. The truth is, you don't even need that much
knowledge or information to succeed.

What you truly need is accuracy. Accuracy of information.
Accuracy of results. Accuracy of knowledge. Accurate knowledge
and information that is going to be useful and proven
profitable for your online business if you implement it.

Let me emphasise this word - accuracy.

Accuracy is what is going to determine whether or not you
succeed in business or in any area of your life. Of course,
accurate information is useless if you don't add one more
ingredient into the success recipe - action.

Focused, directed, purposeful action guided by the accurate
information you have in hand that will bring you closer to your
desired results - profits.

2. To succeed as soon as possible, you need to fail as quickly
as possible and as many times as possible while learning along
the way from your failures. Of course, this does not mean that
you should deliberately seek to fail in all your expensive
marketing campaigns.

3. The trick is to minimise your risk as much as possible with
whatever knowledge and information you have right now. Track
your results and assess after every campaign. When you set out
on your next campaign, modify or evolve your tactics,
strategies, techniques and advertising copy accordingly.

4. When you 'fail', fail with as little time and money 'wasted'
as possible. When you do, you'll learn what you need to know to
increase your effectiveness in making money online and realise
that your 'failures' had not been 'failures' at all but lessons
learned and that your 'wasted' money and time had not been
'wasted' at all but they had been investments that you had
expended to learn how to succeed online more effectively. This
is the power of perspective.

5. If you've managed to attain some measure of success in your
online marketing campaigns - be it leads, sales, prospects,
members or traffic - no matter how trivial, small or
insignificant they may seem to be, you should think about how
you can expand that success you've had by expanding in some way
the specific tactic you had executed in attaining the results
you've had.

6. Ask yourself this important question - how much time do I
spend actually doing something about my online business as
compared to learning from courses and ebooks and participating
in forums?

What is the percentage of time in your day that you spend
online that is focused upon actual doing, testing, assessing
and modifying until you succeed, and what is the percentage of
time that you spend on learning, studying, questioning and
discussing with like-minded people in online forums?

There are no right or wrong answers to this question. It
depends upon the level of success you have right now with your
online business.

If you feel that you can do better, then focus more of your
time upon the actual 'doing' of your business rather than
'learning'. Even if you didn't get what you had intended to
after your 'doing', you would have learned a lot more about how
to improve your efforts next time as compared to 'learning' from
courses and from other people in forums.

7. The true reason - which can be said to be both emotional and
logical - people want to buy from you - whatever it is you're
offering - is because you promise them that their life will be
easier, better and happier as a result of them giving their
money to you in exchange for the value that you will give them.
This is the real reason.

Reflect this in your copy. Attractive gimmicks may work for a
while, but you'll keep more lifetime customers if you truly
understand this principle and implement it. People don't want
to buy from you if they think they will complicate their lives
further because of it. People will only buy from you if they
believe that their lives will be simpler - even if it's a
slight and trivial difference - as a result of your products or

About The Author: Mohamad Latiff is offering you $4,296 worth
of secrets on how to make money online through internet
marketing for only $3 at

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