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Article Title: Do You Need An Address On Your Business Card?
Author: Diana Ratliff
Word Count: 648
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: biztips[at]gmail.
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Is it essential to put your physical, "snail mail" address on a
business card? Some very experienced networkers insist that a
physical address is necessary on a business card, usually
because it makes it easier to mail a brochure or follow up
letter after meeting someone.
That's true, but beside the point, in my opinion. Here's what I
With so little space available on a standard-sized card, every
graphic or line of text you include must be carefully chosen.
There is simply no room for every bit of information that a
business card recipient MIGHT want, so you have to be very
So what are the reasons for including a physical address on a
business card?
The first is simple -- so that people know where your office or
store is located.
The second is simple, too -- so that people can contact you via
I certainly believe in giving people multiple ways to contact
you, but still, both reasons do not apply (or apply in varying
degrees) to different businesses.
In the first case, a physical address is simply not very
important to many companies and individuals who do most of
their business online. For them, putting an address on an
"About Us" page is usually a better use of resources than
putting it on a business card.
And for those of us who work from home, revealing our personal
address to anyone who might wind up with our business card is a
security issue and a business hassle as well. We simply don't
want strangers strolling up to our doors when we're home alone
(or not home at all), or when we're tending to family business
rather than money-making business.
(If you do work from home, some people suggest putting the
address of your mailbox rental company on your business card.
What if someone tries to drive to your business, only to wind
up at MailBoxesEtc.
prospect was plenty irritated. I don't recommend this
So the physical location of your business is simply private or
irrelevant for many business owners. Good reasons to exclude it
from your business card.
But what about reason two, including an address so that people
can easily send you something in the mail?
Remember, the job of a business card is to market your
business. If a street address helps you do that, put it on your
card; if it doesn't, you certainly don't have to include it just
for another's convenience.
That's frustrating, I know, to networkers who want to send
cards or catalogs or newspaper clippings to business contacts,
but I feel it's only courteous to use the contact methods that
people indicate they prefer.
It certainly doesn't mean you can't GET someone's physical
address, if you need it, simply that you need to do so another
way. Ask them for it in person. Ask for it via a phone call or
an email message. Asking for an address directly also has an
added benefit -- it gives you the chance to pinpoint the
prospect's interests and needs, and also gives you a chance to
get better acquainted.
It boils down to what I've said all along.
Imagine your typical/ideal prospect or customer. What do they
need to know most urgently? What you want them to do with your
business card? Do most of them need your physical address?
Would you lose business if it's not included on your card?
Would it be more important if they saw your guarantee, or the
brand names you carry, or your many years of experience, rather
than your address?
Let the answers to those questions be your guide.
About The Author: Business Card Design Expert Diana Ratliff
explains everything you'd ever want to know about business
cards at BusinessCardDesign,
product announcements, business card networking ideas and even
learn how to do an EASY business card magic trick when you
subscribe to her newsletter; bizcardnews@
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