Wednesday, October 25, 2006

ArticleBlaster Umbrella Advertising


Author Name: Karishma Roy
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Category: Business, , , ,
Description: Umbrellas may have been just an accessory for shelter against the rains. However, the modern times have seen it don yet another important role -a reliable advertising medium.
Keywords: Umbrella Advertising, Accessory, Indian Oil Corporation, Garden Snacks, Kwality Walls.
Word Count: 724

Article Content:

Umbrellas are no longer a medium to just wade away the wetness of the rains. They have become a dependable medium to bring a new sunshine to your sales. The sales of umbrellas have doubled. The demand for garden and beach umbrellas too is escalating. The ratio has risen from a paltry ratio of 1:8 to record an encouraging 6:4, and is expected to grow considerably. More and more corporate are recognizing the potential of umbrellas to successfully communicate their product and brand messages. A few of the most prominent corporate using umbrella for promotion are Indian Oil Corporation, Garden Snacks, Kwality Walls, SmithKline Beecham, P& G's brands like Vicks and Iodex, computer classes like Boston, NIIT, and Aptech. Religious institutions like ISKON are also effectively using garden umbrellas to spread spiritual messages. Infact, in one instance an umbrella was effectively used in Mumbai to announce about a play, its timing, and cast. ACC had effectively used the umbrella to put across its concern of providing trustworthy shelters by giving out three fold umbrellas with a message "Your shelter is our concern.” Though this concept is still at a very nascent stage, its low cost is its greatest advantage. One garden umbrella placed at Churgate station will cost just Rs. 1000/- for a month and will be seen by approximately 15 lakh people in a month. In comparison to this, an advertisement in a newspaper for a day will cost no less than Rs. 7,000/-. By spending a little extra you can have your message displayed at large number of strategic points and avail better brand recollection.

Umbrellas come in a large number of varieties. They are mainly made from cotton and nylon fabric. However, big clients prefer nylon fabrics compared to cotton owing to its better durability and water resistance properties. The weatherproof parachute material imported from Taiwan is more preferred because of its weatherproof properties. The price of umbrella range from Rs. 400 to 1,500 depending on the size and cloth used and are normally available in sizes ranging between 5ft. to 10ft. The printing is mainly done with the help of screen printing either by the manufacturer or the fabric is given top the client for printing after cutting it to shape. Over the years, the demand for umbrellas has surely increased. More and more corporate are placing their trust on umbrellas. Avon Umbrella Pvt. Ltd., have opened a Far East office to cater to the market there and at the same time to import new ideas. Earlier the company was involved as an intermediary was since 32 years. The company has now forayed into complete umbrella manufacturing. The company’s Fendo brand is available in large varieties. They offer their UV coated fabric that protects from the harmful sunrays has been quite overwhelmingly received by the buyers. The other varieties offered include glow printed for the dark, special pongee cloth that repels water and dries upto 90% when shaken with a jerk, lights at the tip for children, with Fendo range of cartoons, special pagoda style etc. Fendo umbrellas are currently available in Maharastra, Gujrat, Goa, Karnataka, and Hyderabad and are priced between Rs. 140/- for the conventional type, to Rs. 900 1500 for beach or garden umbrellas and golf umbrellas (primarily used by hotels to escort their guests from the car to door for Rs. 400 600.

There is a mixed feeling among end users for umbrellas as gifts. One software professional says, " I don't mind getting an umbrella as a gift, as long as it's free. But I might not buy a product just because I am getting an umbrella free." He further adds, "Even if I am, it needs to be different in looks and colour. The conventional color and shape puts me off." While his colleague contradicts saying "I don’t mind buying a product of a reputed brand. But provided the umbrella is worth going for both design wise and brand wise." There may be conflicting opinions among buyers, but the trend of Advertising through umbrellas or may we say Umbrella Branding is surely catching up.

The fact that more and more corporate like Cadburys, Coca Cola and Hindustan Lever are resorting to umbrella advertising is only a faint indication of its magnitude in the years to come.

Author Biography:

The Author compiles and puts together information for interesting reading.
Karishma Roy
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