Friday, October 27, 2006

ArticleBlaster Don't Overcomplicate Things

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Willie Crawford
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Article Title:

Don't Overcomplicate Things

Article Description:

I stood on the stage in front of nearly 1000 people at the
Internet Marketing Millionaires'Bootcamp in London, England. As
I stared out across the crowd, somewhat awed that I was who
they'd come to listen to, I also reflected upon WHY they had
gotten up so early on a Sunday morning to come listen to me.

Additional Article Information:

992 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-10-27 11:00:00

Written By: Willie Crawford
Copyright: 2006
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Don't Overcomplicate Things
Copyright (c) 2006 Willie Crawford
Willie Crawford Incorporated

I stood on the stage in front of nearly 1000 people at the
Internet Marketing Millionaires'Bootcamp in London, England. As
I stared out across the crowd, somewhat awed that I was who
they'd come to listen to, I also reflected upon WHY they had
gotten up so early on a Sunday morning to come listen to me.

Every person in the audience had a dream of greater freedom from
worry, freedom from financial strain, and great serenity. They
wanted to be able to choose how they would live, and to know that
their lives were secure. I made this HUGE assumption because
that was my driving force and that of most of the other speakers
sharing the stage with me that weekend.

In the few seconds before launching into my 64 slides that I
would explain in the next 80 minutes, I asked myself exactly what
those audience members really needed to walk away with. I
identifed five simple things that, if they really internalized
them, would set them on the road to success. Those five things,
not very complicated at all, are:

1) Control your time. As you seek to build your online business
you will eventually find that time is your most limited asset.
Each of us has the same number of seconds in each day, yet some
of us accomplish 1000 times more during that day than others do.
A big reason for that difference is that the ultra-successful
know the value of their time, and closely guard it. A good time
management course will help you to gain control of your time. I
also recommend reading Dan Kennedy's book, "No B.S. Time
Management." The subtitle is substantially longer than that,
but if you look up this title at online bookstores, you'll find
Dan's book. This book was the single greatest influence on my
gaining greater control over my time.

2) Fix nagging problems. As you go through your day, you will
notice certain problems seem to "crop up" every day. Maybe
it's something that slows your computer down. Maybe it's simply
receiving more emails every day than you can sift through.

Identify those nagging problems and solve them. Don't tolerate
them, because they rob you of time, energy,and focus. It's much
better to simply determine exactly what the problem is and then
resolve it. Set aside a little time and deal with the problem

3) Sell something people want. In my 10 years online, the most
common mistake that I've noticed is marketers spending
inordinate time, energy, and other resources trying to convince
people to buy something that they simply don't want. That is
futile and totally counter-productive.

There are products and services that the people in your market
WANT. If you listen to them, you'll know what those things are.
Then it's as simply as selling them the things that they tell
you that they want. It's no more complicated than that...
Really! When you market something that they don't want, or
don't know that they want, you are "swimming against the
current," and in danger of eventually tiring and drowning.
Instead, find out what they want, determine how to profitably
provide it to them, and then do that.

4) Work with others. Growing your business is about growing
relationships. You grow relationships with customers, suppliers,
partners, and mentors. Without cooperating with all of the
above, your climb up the latter is many times more difficult than
it needs to be.

You can accomplish so much more when you partner with someone
else on a project, allowing your strong points to compliment each
other. You can accomplish so much more when you think of your
customers and suppliers as team members rather than opponents.
Seek win-win-win situations rather than simply seeking to win at
the expense of others.

You can accomplish so much more when you allow someone, who has
accomplished what you hope to accomplish, to teach you how they
did it. When you simply observe someone doing something you
often miss many important, often critical points. You need to
"get inside the other person's head." You need to understand
the though process behind their methodology and success habits.

Given that the people you need to apprentice under have limited
time, and have an amazing number of things competing for their
attention, you also need to be willing to somehow compensate them
for teaching you. That's a fact that many who will never
achieve major success refuse to acknowledge.

5) Actually do it. The majority of people who read a book, go
through a course, or attend a seminar, do learn something new.
However, over 95% of them NEVER apply what they learn.

One of the reason that we often don't apply what we learn, even
when we know that it will produce major, postive results, is that
it IS new, and seems somewhat intimidating. The solution to that
is also very simple. "Just do it." After you've done a
complicated thing once, or twice, or perhaps a dozen times, it
magically becomes easy. Those who have mastered the things that
seem very challenging to you also once saw them as challenging.
However, they tackled the challenges, and in the process,
overcame them. They used the challenges to add new tools to their
success toolkits.

As my focus gradually returned to the faces, barely discernable
under the bright stage lights, I saw that I really was no
different than the "roughly 1000" people sitting in the
audience. If there was any difference, it was that I had learned
to view life in a less complicated fashion, and therefore didn't
make things any harder than they have to be.

Read back through the points made above, and ask yourself if you
are making things more complicated than they have to be. If so,
acknowledge that your thinking is one of your greatest obstacles
to success. Commit to fixing the five flaws above, and life will
magically transform.

Willie Crawford has been teaching people how to build successful
online businesses since 1996. He often teaches by stepping you
through the process, ingraining in you the necessary habits.
Become a part of Willie's latest, attitude-shifting, life-changing
challenge by visiting:


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