Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ArticleBlaster Don't Take My Word For It...


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Kim Klaver

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Article Title: Don't Take My Word For It...
Author: Kim Klaver
Word Count: 414
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=95164&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: refresh.me[at]gmail.com (replace [at]
with @)

Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.com/html.php?aid=95164

================== ARTICLE START ==================
When a new sales rep talks to someone about their product,
invariably what comes out of their mouth is:

"These are the best candles..."

"This is a one-of-a-kind nutritional product..."

"This is based on the best research anywhere..."

"This is the greatest, the next iPod, the next Google (for the
business), etc."

While the rep may believe that and while she feels a tremendous
urge to repeat that as often as possible to anyone who will
listen, such self serving proclamations do the opposite: They
tend to turn everyone off.

(Everyone except other reps in the same company.)

"But," one gal asked in class, "how will they know how great it
is if I don't tell them?"


People don't believe sellers much today. Do you? People are
sick sick sick of being sold sold sold.

Even if what the seller says is true, people doubt because they
know the sales person makes money when they buy. And of course
sales people always say their thing is the greatest, most

So...instead of acting like the predictable sales type, how
about you tell them your authentic story...what happened to you
with your product (or service).

(E.g. "I'm introducing a product for someone with achy knees
who doesn't want to do drugs or surgery, like the way I used to
be. Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product
like that?")

See if there's interest. MAKE NO PROMISES. Instead, try what
the Buddha did when he was out telling others about what he had
found which had transformed his life:

"Oh monks! just like examining gold in order to know its
quality, you should put my words to the test."

In today's words:

"I don't know if this will work for you or not. But what if it
does? Would you like to try it then?"

How would you react to someone who said that?

This 'try it for yourself' approach (instead of screaming to
everyone how great his philosophy was), is how the Buddha
started, grew and maintained his organization 2,400 years ago.
It is still growing all over the world today, including here in
the United States.

What if that approach works for you? Would you try it then?

About The Author: Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated.
Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a
popular blog, http://KimKlaverBlogs.com, a podcast,
http://YourGreatThing.com and a giant resource site,

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Kim Klaver please visit:

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