Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ArticleBlaster Why It Is Important To Know How To Read Your Website Traffic Statistics


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Shon Christopher

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Article Title: Why It Is Important To Know How To Read Your
Website Traffic Statistics
Author: Shon Christopher
Word Count: 490
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=68500&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: shoncary[at]comcast.net (replace [at]
with @)

Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.com/html.php?aid=68500

================== ARTICLE START ==================
It is important that you understand how to increase your
website traffic, but even more important is being able to read
your website traffic statistics. Without understanding your
website traffic statistics, you may be unaware of how little
traffic you really are getting. It is vital that you know
things such as how many visitors you are receiving, what time
of the day you receive the most traffic and what things on your
website seem to be the most popular. If you understand your
website traffic statistics you will be able to do all of these
things and more.

By knowing your website traffic statistics you can determine
where most of your traffic is coming from to help you know what
keywords to optimize. This will in turn help you climb higher on
the search engines thus generating higher traffic.

Understanding your website traffic statistics will allow you to
see what time of the day you�re receiving the most visitors at.
Why is this important you may ask? Knowing this information
allows you to know when you should change things on your
website and when you should keep it the same. You don�t want to
be making all kinds of changes while you�re having a rush.

If you make changes to your website before the rush, returning
visitors will notice the changes and be more apt to return
again to see what else you have added. New content is important
in continuously drawing visitors back for more. Another
advantage to knowing your website traffic statistics and what
time of the day is most crowded is you can put specials on at
that time. Knowing when you will be receiving a rush allows you
to put special offers and bonuses on for a few hours during the
most crowded times. This will impress your visitors and create
more return visitors with referrals as well.

Knowing your website traffic statistics is important, but is
much easier if you use a site stats program. Some of the more
popular programs include Awstats, Webalizer, and Analog. The
great thing about these programs is that they come free and are
easily accessible right through your control panel, which is
provided to you through your web host. They all have similar
features that will help you find out things you may have never
even thought of.

If you want to create a successful website you have to know how
to read your website traffic statistics. Knowing how many hits
per day you receive and what keywords to optimize are vital
parts to success. Using a site stats program to read your
website traffic statistics makes it a lot easier and is
extremely convenient. If you learn how to read your website
traffic statistics you can learn secrets and tricks to help get
your website higher on the search engines and generate more

About The Author: Shon Christopher�s making money website will
provide you with the tools needed to boost your internet income
in no time. With various secrets and tips, you will find
informational articles and more to help you become a successful
internet marketer. Go here to find more:

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Shon Christopher please

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