Tuesday, August 29, 2006

ArticleBlaster Laws Of Attraction: 5 Steps To Getting All The Clients You Need.


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Jen Blackert

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Article Title: Laws Of Attraction: 5 Steps To Getting All The
Clients You Need.
Author: Jen Blackert
Word Count: 500
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=79402&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: jen[at]jenevice.com (replace [at] with

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Are you struggling to find all the clients you want and need in
your business? Are you stressed about the financial side of your
business? Are you tired of being stressed ? I invite you to
take 5 minutes and learn how to STOP STRUGGLING! Plan and
prepare for a huge shift in perspective and prosperity.

1. Stop struggling.

Stop stressing. I am going to tell you how to get what you
want. But first you need to stop the fight! It's not only
unpleasing when you are desperate for clients, but it is also
not universally unattractive. Just know want you want will
come. Be willing to receive. If you have negative energy in
mind, that's what you get � negative results�prophecy

2. Is your unconscious mind wanting something else?

Here�s how to get all your minds aligned. After I left my
corporate day job, I discovered I was fighting myself. You see,
I didn't REALLY want clients. I wanted money. I just thought
clients equaled money. When I realized that clients would fill
my time and take away from my freedom, I didn't really want
them. Once I knew that I could have fun, freedom and financial
prosperity by working with clients, I had a shift. Then I was
aligned with my conscious and unconscious thoughts and

3 What do you REALLY want?

This might seem silly, but you to know what you want with
crystal- ball clarity. How many more clients? How much would
each pay? Who would be your perfect client? Would it be a
client that really wants to work with you?

Perhaps its $20,000 weekly! Maybe it's a combination of sales,
income or clients. Find what it is and get it really clear in
your head. See yourself receiving it and feel gratitude about
your vision.

4. Focus energy and attention on what you want.

Give attention and pay attention to success and not failure.
See in your mind what your life might look like if you got
everything you ever wanted. Imagine how it will feel when you
get all the things you ever dreamed! Act like you have already
achieved your deepest desire. Feel the success.

5. Follow your intuition.

When you feel like you want to do something, let your logical
mind set in and take over. Just do it. This may be the
direction you should follow. You've heard people say, "Follow
your heart." I say, "Follow what feels right." This might be a
feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Relax and listen. Let go on a regular basis, so you can listen
to your inner being. It doesn't have to be a long amount of
time, but do something that makes you feel good whether it is
meditating, cleaning, gardening, walking. You will know what is
right for you.

About The Author: Jen Blackert, Client Attraction Marketing
Coach, is a results-driven marketing strategist that teaches
entrepreneurs how to attract all the clients they need. Her
methods are based on the universal laws of attraction. Find Jen
at http://www.jenblackert.com and her podcast at

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For more free-reprint articles by Jen Blackert please visit:

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