Tuesday, August 29, 2006

ArticleBlaster Harness The Power Of Emotion Marketing


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Lisa Packer

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Article Title: Harness The Power Of Emotion Marketing
Author: Lisa Packer
Word Count: 525
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=79463&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: response[at]lisapacker.com (replace
[at] with @)

Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.com/html.php?aid=79463

================== ARTICLE START ==================
In April 1986, an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear
Power Plant in the then-Soviet state of Ukraine. It quickly
became the worst disaster in nuclear history, with a cloud of
poisonous radiation spreading uncontained across much of

Yet that same type of energy, when properly harnessed, can
power an entire aircraft carrier � a floating city with over
5,000 inhabitants.

What's this got to do with marketing, you ask? Plenty.

You see, emotion is the power that fuels every purchase. Your
marketing should be infused with emotion if you want it to be
successful. But if you don't harness it properly, your bottom
line will look more like Chernobyl than the USS Nimitz.

When your sales letters and ads are full of emotion for
emotion's sake, you've got yourself a Chernobyl-type disaster.
Spilling your advertising dollars all over the consumer
landscape with no way of containment, they cause a cancer that
begins eating away at your profits.

But properly harnessed and channeled, the fuel of emotion in
your marketing can power enough sales to explode your profits.
All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

Step 1:Trigger the right emotions. To do this, you have to
know your prospect and how she is already feeling about the
problem you're going to solve. For example, if she's feeling
helpless about being overweight, making her nostalgic for
thinner days won't sell diet pills. Showing her that it's not
her fault and making her angry at the real culprit (which the
diet pill will conveniently defeat for her) will.

Step 2: Stimulate � and ask for � a specific response. Never
get your prospect all worked up emotionally and just leave him
hanging. Tell him what to do with his feelings � like call your
1-800 number, visit your website, or fill out this handy order
form with his credit card info. If you don't tell him very
specifically what you want him to do, he won't do it. And then
his emotion will leak out all over the place, unchanneled. Just
like your marketing budget.
Make sure you have some method of tracking which ads or letters
produced the responses you get, whether it be a special code on
your reply device, a different number to call for each ad, or a
special landing page on your website. You'll need this
information for Step 3.

Step 3:Constantly monitor output and make adjustments when
necessary. Even when you're faithfully following Steps 1 and
2, some ads or letters will be blockbusters, while some will be
losers. You've got to know which ones in order to stop wasting
money on the losers. Use that money instead to expand the reach
of your winners.

Of course, even winners will occasionally need a tune-up. By
closely monitoring their performance, you'll know right away
when response starts to fade and changes need to be made.

Following these three steps will help you harness the Power of
Emotion � and drive the engine of your business for a long time
to come!

About The Author: Does your marketing forge an emotional
connection with your prospect? It can. Lisa Packer, author of
"The Power Of Emotion: 6 Triggers That Turn Prospects Into
Customers" specializes in copy that does just that. Visit
http://www.lisapacker.com today and put the Power of Emotion to
work for you.

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Lisa Packer please visit:

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