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Kevin Nunley
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Article Title: The One Way To Get Thousands In No-Cost
Advertising From Major Media
Author: Kevin Nunley
Word Count: 529
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: kevin[at]drnunley.
with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
The only thing more elusive than the pot of gold at the end of
the rainbow are free ads. There's a rumor that you can get free
TV commercials -- but I've never found them. There's a rumor you
can get ads and not pay for them if you don't make sales -- but
good luck working out that deal. And the "free ads in
newspapers nationwide" usually turns out to be in very small
publications that hardly anybody reads.
There is ONE way to get lots of of free publicity from MAJOR
media and that's with a well written and properly distributed
press release. If your information is good, you'll get
coverage. Newspapers will include your name in stories they're
writing. Radio DJ's will talk about you. TV stations may even
include you in a story on the evening news.
But it's not automatic. Newspapers, stations, and major web
sites get thousands of press releases every day by mail, fax,
email, and even satellite download. Most of the releases are
little more than ads. That's not what editors want. They want
material they can use to interest their audiences. Unless your
information is timely and interesting, your release will be
A while back I had the pleasure of a lengthy visit with George
McKenzie, owner of get-free-publicity. A lot of people give PR
advice, but few know the real deal like George. Before going
online he spent many years working in television news.
George says a press release works best when the headline makes
people in the media newsroom say "Hey, what's that!"
George is exactly right. I saw that situation happen many times
during the years I worked in radio and TV. A press release or
news story would arrive with a particularly exciting or juicy
headline and word would quickly spread around the newsroom.
Invariably, that story would get not only coverage, but
enthusiastic coverage. The article runs on the front page of a
section, the anchor person gives the lead-in a bit more effort,
the radio morning show team talks about you two or three times
in one hour. That's the kind of free publicity that gives your
sales a giant shot in the arm.
Get the "Hey, what's that!" response by giving media a story
THEY feel will REALLY interest the audience. Connect your
information with a super hot national headline. Connect your
story with a celebrity, high-profile local issue, or scandal.
Stories that are especially helpful, weird, funny, scary, or
sexy get special treatment.
"The more the merrier" applies to many things in marketing, but
not to press releases. Be wary of services that offer to send
your release to 11,000 or more media. There are only about
5,000 radio, TV, and newspapers that accept releases in the
U.S. The rest are highly specialized publications covering
specific industries.
By all means, send your press release to your local media and
to the trade publication that covers your kind of business.
They'll be the first to give you publicity. They will also
produce the most results for you.
About The Author: Kevin Nunley is the Net's number one business
writer. He'll write YOUR one page article on a topic that
promotes your business, put your name and ad on it, then
distribute to 20,000 ezines and sites. Your business gets in
front of hundreds of thousands of eager new customers. See this
affordable, effective marketing deal at http://DrNunley.
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