Wednesday, June 28, 2006

ArticleBlaster Backend Profit Secrets And Viral Marketing


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Article Title: Backend Profit Secrets And Viral Marketing
Author: Gary Huynh
Word Count: 723
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: digibarter[at] (replace [at]
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Once you truly understand the power of backend profits, you�ll
explode your marketing results and create an unstoppable viral

The techniques I will reveal to you have often been taught in
many marketing courses and articles�but they are still
underutilized because of two words - �tunnel vision.�

Backend profits means the additional income that you earn from
a customer. The first purchase from a customer is the front end
profits while the second purchase and so forth will be your

The really good marketers understand that the most money will
be made on the backend.

Here are a couple reasons why:

You can charge higher prices for backend products because
you�ve already built a relationship with your customer.

They already know the quality of your product and of your
customer service. You no longer have to convince them that
you�re credible and that your information is good.

You only have to convince them that your backend product is
higher quality than your front end product and that they NEED
the backend product.

Trust is one of the single most important components of
selling. You can earn that trust by providing a good front end

Most marketers do not truly understand the power of the backend
and that�s a fact.

I know because I see very few affiliate programs which pay
higher than 50% commission.

Think about this for a minute.

Let�s say you sell your product for $50 and you give 50%
commission. You have 5 affiliates who each make 10 sales each.

You pocket $1,250 after paying commissions. You now have 50
customers. Five of them end up purchasing your $100 backend
product for a profit of $500. Total profits is $1,750 for you.

Now let�s consider giving away 75% commission to your

By giving away higher commissions, you get 10 affiliates
instead of the 5. Ten affiliates making 10 sales each at $50
will make you $1,250 - which is the same front end profits as

Now you have 100 customers and make 10 backend sales for $1,000

So how did you end up making more when you increased your
affiliate commissions by 25 percent? You made it on the

Here�s what is happening behind the curtain as you increase
your commissions.

You gain more affiliates and subscribers as those affiliates
send you more traffic to your site.

Those affiliates are happier with their higher paycheck because
you gave them higher commissions. Therefore, they will continue
to send traffic to your site.

This cycle increases your traffic over time as you gain more
customers, more affiliates and more subscribers.

It�s the ultimate viral marketing machine!

More subscribers equal more profits. More customers equals more
profits. More affiliates equals more profits.

So is all that worth a hit on your front end profits?


The problem most people have is they can�t stand to see their
affiliates making more than them. Tunnel vision keeps them from
seeing all the extra subscribers, customers and affiliates which
could be theirs.

Please remember one thing about running your affiliate program.

A 75% reduction in profits is better than a 100% reduction,
which is the case if the affiliate had not made ANY sale.

In summary, you should create an affiliate program for your
front end product which gives away a majority of the profits.

You should also spend your time creating multiple backend

If the type of product you're selling requires manual work and
it's not worth it for you to give higher commissions then an
option for you is to create a different front-end product which
will serve as a portal into your product line.

Your main goal in creating an 'intro' product is to use it to
gain more traffic to your site. When you get the traffic, you
should capture as many prospects as you can into your marketing

When you have more leads in your marketing funnel, you can
control where they go by directing them within your follow-up

About The Author: Gary Huynh makes his living by creating and
publishing information products to niche markets. Find out how
he can help you create a six figure income doing what you love:

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