Thursday, June 29, 2006

ArticleBlaster Choosing The Right Tradeshow(s)


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Article Title: Choosing The Right Tradeshow(s)
Author: Jim Deady
Word Count: 578
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Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: shell[at] (replace [at]
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Let's face it, everybody has exhibited at a tradeshow and at
the end of the show said, "I'll never do this show again". With
the proliferation of trade shows these days, which show do you
choose? Well, first of all you don't just choose one show and
let that be your agenda for the year; you plan your schedule
strategically. I would suggest, depending on your industry,
let's take manufacturing for example, you choose no fewer than
two shows per year and more, if warranted (more on that in a
minute). Two shows, one in the spring and one in the fall,
allows your organization the benefit from any sales cycles that
may exist. More to the point it allows your sales force to
interface with prospects and suspects, not to mention
customers, which may only get perfunctory attention during the
rest of the year. And, it provides excellent momentum for
introduction of new products and services. More than two shows?
Absolutely, if your organization has opportunities in sectors of
large market categories.

But which shows? Here are some suggestions to consider: If the
show is National, where can your space be positioned and what
is the trend in exhibitors? Can your space be positioned near
the entrance or are you going to relegated to some obscure
space in the back of the hall? When the calls to entry comes
in, are the same number of exhibitors signed up this year as
last OR is it negative gain? Is the show manager, your industry
association? And, if so, are they offering symposia on
meaningful industry issues (or maybe no round tables or topics
at all)? If so, can your sales manager be a speaker or at least
on a round table discussion panel? If not, chances are your
customers will feel the same and skip the show. I would poll
your ten top customers and ask what show(s) they attend. And,
if there are several new prospects or suspects that have high
potential, ask them as well. A blinding glimpse of the obvious?
Probably. Good marketing? You bet.

What if the shows your organization is considering are simply
Regional or Local in scope? I would call the show manager and
ask about attendance over the last several years. If it's up or
steady; it's definitely worth considering. If not, what's the

If it's Regional, I would definitely ask the same set of
questions but I would look for the participation of my
competition as well. If your competition is there, you may be
conspicuous by your absence. If not, it may be a golden
opportunity, especially if the attendance is up from one year
to the next. If your competition has been there but not
recently, you may want to ask some more questions and see if
the right set of prospects and suspects fits your goals.

If it's Local, I would definitely check the venue. If the venue
is a hotel or motel, it may be OK but only if you are offered
adequate space (definitely not a hallway). If it's a convention
center or exhibition hall, definitely worth considering - the
venue is right around the corner and you can rotate manning the
booth throughout the show so it's convenient for everybody.

Remember, NO MATTER WHAT THE SHOW, the organization that ends
up with the most visitors to its space is the organization that

About The Author: Jim Deady is a 30-year veteran of the
advertising agency business who started a Trade Show Display
web presence a few years ago and has enjoyed the role of web
entrepreneur since then. His site is - Phone number (888)

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