Friday, December 01, 2006

ArticleBlaster MLM Leads Have Different Convesion Ratios But Why?


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Don Luttrull

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Article Title: MLM Leads Have Different Convesion Ratios But
Author: Don Luttrull
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With MLM and network marketing companies there will always be
those who need a downline. With this huge need there is an
issue with how in world do I find all of these interested
people and then how do I get them to sign up with me.

The first thing you should know is that with any type of
referral generation there will always be those who simply have
had better luck then others as far as getting new mlm members
or is there actually a learned skill to it? Most of the heavy
hitters within an mlm business did not get to that level by
luck and has actually developed a system that can be
duplicated. Only issue is that these heavy hitters are not
actually allowing their systems to be duplicated.

If there were a way to duplicate some of these larger named mlm
pros then the first thing that will need to be discussed is mlm
leads. No matter if you are brand new to mlm or have been
recruiting people into different downlines for years you need
to have a solid mlm lead company to work with.

There are those in mlm who try and state that they can get
leads for free or to just use pay per click advertising to pull
in leads but why go to all of that trouble when there are
companies already doing that and simply selling you their
results? If you find the right mlm lead companies you will have
a conversion rate that cannot be duplicated by trying to
generate the leads yourself and from this you can become very

All around the internet there are mlm lead companies who are
selling everything from real time leads all the way to 45 day
old leads. The one thing that you will learn while testing out
different mlm lead companies is that most of them are created
equal. What I mean by this is that most of the mlm lead
companies online are actually pitching the same leads just
through different websites. This type of lead company is the
one who is out for the quick buck and since no lead is
guaranteed they are able to get away with this.

If you look online to buy mlm leads and go for the 45,000 fresh
leads for $20 hopefully you understand what you are actually
getting. If you market to these bulk lead lists you will end up
getting so many spam reports filed against you and or your
website that you can actually get banned by your isp as well as
blacklisted from search engines. If something like this happens
then that is mlm suicide.

Never base the mlm leads simply off of how is selling the most
leads for the least amount. There are also mlm lead companies
who are selling tv leads at $5 which actually have a lower
conversion rate then bulk leads. These tv mlm leads are from
those infomercials at 3am and trust me the people who are up at
3am doing nothing with their lives are not the best candidate to
get on your team and be a big recruiter. Could these leads pay
off and generate income? You bet they can but highly unlikely.

To find quality high converting mlm leads you need to compare
different mlm companies and find one that has proven results
from those in the field. You are looking for a company where no
matter what mlm or network marketing business you are involved
in will be able t give you quality leads. Try not to fall for
the company specific leads either because those are 100% mumbo
jumbo. People are looking for a way to fix their financial
situation and that can be done by being apart of many companies
and not just one.

When researching the mlm leads you can simply search on google
for mlm lead companies but your best source is from fellow
network marketers and those involved in multi level marketing
themselves. You can ask your sponsor or someone in an mlm forum
who they use for their mlm leads and see what company they bring
up is. Ask them what their conversion rates have been and also
how they got in contact with those leads.

Different people have used paid mlm leads but have not actually
put them into real use. Many people have bought a list of 100
mlm leads from a reputable mlm lead company and got in contact
with 10 leads and didn't get a sale or sign up and simple stop
trying. Remember that with any mlm business it is a numbers
game and the more mlm leads you get in contact with the higher
your chances are for success.

About The Author: Don Luttrull runs the only website that takes
votes from real mlm and network marketers who vote on the best
converting mlm leads companies and then posts that information.
See who is the top mlm lead compare

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