Friday, December 01, 2006

ArticleBlaster How To Get Higher Converting MLM Leads For Less


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Article Title: How To Get Higher Converting MLM Leads For Less
Author: Don Luttrull
Word Count: 708
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Author's Email Address: owner[at] (replace
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
If you are involved in an mlm or network marketing business
then you probably have tried to find the best ways online as
well as offline to get qualified people either to your website
or to the companies website. There are many different ways to
find qualified people who are actually looking right now at
starting a home based business.

The thing that you first need to realize is that most people
who are looking for a home based business are not actually
realizing what it is they are looking for and for the most part
are simply getting some answers. These types of people are the
non targeted leads that you will find being sold by countless
mlm lead companies online.

These types of mlm leads for one have a terrible conversion
rate and also end up putting your excited mood into one that
makes you start second guessing yourself and possibly the
opportunity you are marketing. What is needs to not only help
you build a successful mlm business as well as the right
mindset to succeed is actual quality mlm leads from an actually
mlm leads company with proven results.

If you were looking to compare mlm lead companies odds are you
would start possibly with your sponsor or upline in the
business you are currently marketing and this method is
actually not the best method at all. What will end up happening
is your upline simply trying to get a commission or a bonus off
of you by sending them to one of the low converting mlm lead

You may take the above statement as being rude or labeling all
sponsors but in all honesty most people in mlm and network
marketing companies are following the same pack of people
barely making any real income. What you need to do is set
yourself apart from the pack and become a leader in your

If your sponsor in your company and or business is trying his
or her best to teach you the correct methods on building your
business but has not actually seen any real success themselves
then you need to find a new method in which to build your
business. Mlm is mainly duplication of a proven method and if
your sponsor is not seeing the large monthly income then that
is something that I personally would not try and duplicate.

With all the many different ways to get mlm leads which can be
done with pay per click accounts and even door to door methods
there is one truly proven method that has the highest
conversion ratio as long as it is done correctly.

You need to find a mlm lead company that not only has proven
results but also offers you a residual income that will
actually end up paying for your leads as your downline signs up
under you for the leads also. There are only a small handful of
mlm lead companies that are even worth comparing and sometimes
they can be hard to sift through. Most mlm lead companies are
selling leads that have been sold 1,000 times already and will
not convert for nothing.

What you should do if you are actually looking to build a solid
mlm business is to research and compare mlm lead companies. You
need to look for a company that allows you to buy at minimum 72
hour fresh leads. Along with being extremely fresh you also need
to find a mlm lead company that actually offers a monthly
residual income plan. Having a matrix payout plan attached to a
solid mlm lead company can actually end up paying out more then
your mlm company is paying you.

Remember also when researching and checking the many mlm lead
companies out there that you will most usually get what you pay
for. Any company offering you 1,000 fresh leads a day for $20 is
nothing but a scam style company and will end up giving you a
very bad name in the mlm community. Find a company that has
been proven successful and has mlm leads that are actually
converting into real mlm sign ups and sales.

About The Author: Don Luttrull runs a mlm lead comparision
site. MLM and Network Marketers vote on which mlm leads company
has the best conversion ratios and those companies are then
ranked. To see who they have voted for go here

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Don Luttrull please visit:

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