Tuesday, November 14, 2006

ArticleBlaster Why Prefer Consulting Option For Your Business' Marketing Aspect


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Mario Churchill

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Article Title: Why Prefer Consulting Option For Your Business'
Marketing Aspect
Author: Mario Churchill
Word Count: 559
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=101142&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: article.mario[at]gmail.com (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Owning a business is a difficult task. It is completely
different compared when you are still an ordinary employee. As
the business owner, you are not just handling a specific task.
You are now in-charge over-all of your business-from planning
to promotion of your products to the market. It is not just a
difficult task to accomplish, but also a tedious task to

However, you need not carry the entire weight in your shoulders
alone. You have the option of taking various approaches in
handling the marketing aspects of your business. You may choose
to handle the entire responsibility all by yourself. But as
previously mentioned, you need not carry the entire weight in
your shoulders. If you are hesitant that you can handle the
responsibility all by yourself, you may consider hiring a
consulting personnel or a marketing consultant to handle the
marketing aspect of your business.

Your business is just like a water pipe system. There are times
wherein you will be facing leak problems, thus you need someone
knowledgeable to do the work. Your marketing consultant serves
as your plumber who will fix the leak of the water pipe system
for you. Since they have sufficient knowledge and expertise in
terms of the marketing aspects of your business, they are the
right people to handle the job.

Probably you will think that your "in-house" marketing
personnel can handle the job. Since they are already working
within the ranks of your organization, it is effective and at
the same time cost-efficient to assign these in-house personnel
on the marketing department of your business. Though it can be
handled "in-house", nothing is as costly as a marketing
mistake. Contrary to the popular belief that your marketing
personnel can handle the job efficiently, the consulting option
is the best thing to consider. Keep in mind that no one can
accomplish the marketing task as efficiently as someone who is
living and breathing the industry daily. In addition, your
business will benefit from marketing consultant's consistent
media contacts financially.

Another doubt that you may probably think along hiring a
marketing consultant for your business is the money factor.
Since consulting firms are "professional" in marketing aspects,
expect that the cost of their services is expensive. However,
when you sum up the total cost of bringing new marketing
personnel, you will find out that hiring a marketing consultant
is more effective. Just think of the personnel's hourly rate,
benefits, and training expenses-it will really hurt your
pocket. Thus, it will be cost-efficient on your part if you
prefer hiring a marketing consultant.

Moreover, hiring a consultant to handle your business'
marketing job requires no long-term commitment. When your
consultant completed the assigned project, they have the
flexibility to move on other positions where you need them.
Thus, you will be able to maximize the potential of your
consultant in terms of developing the marketing aspect of your

The choice is for you to make. You hire a full-time marketing
manager and please him by giving full wages, benefits, and
additional incentives throughout his entire career inside your
business, or you hire a marketing consultant who will help you
achieve your financial objectives without asking too much from
you. As mentioned earlier, the choice is yours to make.

About The Author: Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has
written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more
information checkout http://www.ideacenter.com and

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

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