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Article Summary:
Businesses can do well without planning, many do. However,
to become a high performing organization, to grow rapidly,
a company really needs a planning and monitoring process.
Got yours?
Word Count: 571
Business Good, But You Want GREAT?
Then It's Time To Kick-Start 2007
Businesses can do well without planning, many do. However,
to become a high performing organization, to grow rapidly,
a company really needs a planning and monitoring process.
Got yours? I sure do have mine!
Back in 2000 a major shift in my business occurred when I
came across the One Page Business Plan (R) process. Now,
don't let the simplicity of the name fool you. While the
process helps you create a business and marketing plan -
its much more.
. Help you diagnosis how every area of your business is
. Clarify your thinking and focus on the elements that are
the most critical to your success.
. Test your ideas without having to put large amounts of
cash at risk.
. Help you to boost the profits and performance of your
small company or department.
. Be ready to be used over and over again.
If you're on a budget, as many new business owners are, you
can purchase the workbook that includes the Entrepreneur
Toolkit CD (for PC and MAC use) at your favorite bookstore,
although it's easier to find online. It includes
systematic, practical, interactive exercises and templates,
worksheets, powerful sales calculators, mini-sales budgets,
one page performance scorecards, sample plans, and bonus
tools! All created in programs you usually have on your
computer -- MS Excel and Word files.
If you're a more seasoned business owner, department
manager or executive, you can sit down at your PC to create
your plan in courseware called Point, Click, Plan. Your
solid draft will be complete in 1-2 hours.
Together with reading the E-myth Revisited, by Michael
Gerber, creating a business plan are "mandatory to do's"
for all business owners. Why? because the E-myth shows you
what happens when you don't have a plan and systems and how
much better off you'll be with them. And the One-Page
Business Plan processR helps you simply create your plans
and systems to monitor your progress. Creating a plan now,
will save you hours upon hours worth of your valuable time
and will help you make fewer large and costly mistakes.
Isn't that what you need as a business owner? Systems that
work and more time to do what you're passionate about?
Below are 10 key elements of any process. Most are taken
from the One-Page Business PlanR workbook, by Jim Horan.
1. It helps you choose opportunities more wisely and waste
less time because you have a plan in place.
2. A single page can contain all the elements you need to
tell your employees, board of directors, potential partners
or banker where you are taking your business and how you
are going to get there.
3. The most important reason to have a business plan is to
clarify your thinking, regardless of the size of your
4. Knowing where you're going creates hope and enthusiasm
about the future.
5. It facilitates creating and analytical thinking, problem
solving, communication, and teamwork.
6. It also brings out procrastination, frustration,
differences of opinions and possibly anger.
7. Somehow writing initiates the transformation from idea
to reality.
8. Writing allows others to participate in your dream and
give you feedback.
9. You review it each day to create the day's priorities
and make decisions about your business.
10. The Entrepreneur CD, which comes with the book,
including scorecards, templates, budgets, and bonus tools
to help keep you on track!
C2006 A former Wall Street trader, Maria Marsala is a
nationally known business and marketing strategist,
trainer, author and owner of Elevating Your Business.
Maria helps women involved in financial services, as
business owners, independent agents, branch managers and
executive to boost profits, productivity and have more
playtime - faster! Subscribe to Powerful Business
Strategies Ezine to receive your free one-page business and
marketing plan audio in your Welcome Note Visit

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