Friday, November 17, 2006

ArticleBlaster How To Write A Business Plan: Getting That Capital You Need


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Mario Churchill

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Article Title: How To Write A Business Plan: Getting That
Capital You Need
Author: Mario Churchill
Word Count: 627
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: article.mario[at] (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Now that you have decided to leave your work with a company,
you now decide to put up your own business. Having your own
business is a dream come true for most people. It is where they
can be more independent and it is also where they can be their
own boss. Whatever kind of business you plan on starting, you
have to remember that the most important thing you need is

If you don't have enough money to start your own business, you
will really want help from financial institutions, such as a
bank to assist you financially in getting your business
started. Venture capitalists are also one of the people you
want to turn to if you want that capital you need to start your
own business.

However, these people will not give you the money and let you
go on and start your own business. They need to be sure that
your business will succeed in order to get their money or
investment back. This is why it is very important for you to
convince them to invest in your business or lend you that

To do this, you will need a business plan. A business plan is
an essential document when starting your own business; you need
a business plan even if you don't need to borrow money from
venture capitalists or the bank.

However, if you need to borrow money for capital to start your
own business, then a business plan is the most important thing
that you will rely on. A business plan will basically tell the
investors how you plan on operating your business and is also
an assurance that they will get their money back.

But, many people keep on asking the same questions over and
over again. They always ask "How do I write a Business Plan?"

Writing a business plan can be very simple if you stick to the
basics. Here is how you can write an effective business plan
that will surely get you that capital you need to start a

-Executive Summary Section - This section will explain a brief
explanation about your business. Remember that this is a
summary, so keep it brief, to the point and most important of
all, clear.

-The Business Section - This is where you will put your planned
business name, the address, and a detailed description of what
your business is all about. Make it easy to read and don't
include a lot of technical terms. In other words, you should
never assume that the reader has the same technical know-how
about your business.

-The Market Analysis Section - This section will basically show
your marketing plan. This will include all about your target
customers, the trends in the industry, your pricing and
packaging plan, and also your company's policy.

-The Financing Section - In this part of the business plan, you
will mention all the different aspects about your business's
estimated financial status. You will include an accurate amount
of money you need to start the business, how much of your own
money you are willing to invest and also how you will be able
to repay the debt to your loan.

-The Management Section - This will show the outline of your
company's organization. You have to include the legal structure
of your business, whether it is a corporation, a partnership or
a limited liability corporation.

As you can see, it will answer most of the questions that
people will ask you when you ask for their money. You should
make a business plan as thorough as possible and also as brief
as possible.

About The Author: Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has
written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more
information checkout and

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

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