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Article Title: How To Become A Successful Affiliate?
Author: Franck Silvestre
Word Count: 545
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: abutalhahipm[
with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
Affiliate Marketing is known to be the easiest way to make
money on Internet. You don't need a list or a website, you
start directly in profits...
If you don' t have a list or a website, the best and easiest
way to start your home based Internet business is to be an
An affiliate (also called associate or partner), is someone who
is selling other people's product. The affiliate marketer takes
advantage of the notoriety of the merchant to sell his
products, and he will be paid a commission on every sale he
It is a win win situation, for both the partner and the
merchant. His product is spread other the web, so he can sell
to thousands of people without spending money to advertise
(affiliates will spend money in the different campaigns). And
for the affiliate, he can start his business, or earn an extra
income without owning a product.
Better, in some programs, which are called two-tiers affiliate
programs, you will be paid on your sales and on your affiliate
team's sales. In this case you will be a master affiliate: the
people that you recruited are selling the same merchant
products, but you will be able to coach them and you will also
earn a commission on all their sales. That can represent a good
monthly income for you too.
Affiliates are also called associates or resellers. You can
promote different programs at the same time, there is
absolutely no restriction.
How to be an outstanding affiliate? There is three component in
your way to win big paychecks at the end of the month:
1/ you must have a landing page.
2/ you must capture the name and email addresses of your
3/ you must follow up by the mean of your autoresponder to sell
to these prospect other products again and again.
And the best in all that is when you will be able to create
your own product, you will already have a list of prospect
ready to buy from you. All that you will do is send an email to
your list, and if you already established a relation based on
trust with them, by providing only useful informations and
product, they will accept whatever you have to offer.
If these three main components of affiliate marketing are
implemented, sales will follow naturally. It is the best
affiliate marketing strategy. How many affiliates still go to
google, buy some pay per clicks advertising, and send the
customer directly to the merchant list without capturing their
email address.
It is a big mistake for a lot of reasons. The two main reasons
1/ If the prospect don't buy, he will not come back to the
website in most of the cases; or perhaps he will return, but
what if another affiliate direct him (with his tracker cookies)
to the website, and he finally decide to buy the product. You
just loose the commission!
2/ The prospect in most of the case will subscribe directly to
the merchant's newsletter or e-course. But it would have been
better if he subscribed to the affiliate list...
About The Author: Franck Silvestre is a full time Internet
Marketer and he invites you to his free affiliate tips at
Marketing ebook here:
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For more free-reprint articles by Franck Silvestre please

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