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Article Title: How Does Adwords Miracle Compare?
Author: Garth Jenks
Word Count: 340
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: caidenfelix[
[at] with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
Chris the author appears to be a decent guy, and his book
Adwords Miracle is certainly a decent book, but my concern is
that at $97, are you paying for exclusive cutting edge Adwords
info or are you buying into the hype??
So, what do you actually receive with Adwords Miracle package?
The sales page promises 4 specific components plus access to a
few videos.
Ive purchased Adwords Miracle and i believe that this is what
you REALLY get. You get the main eBook, 3 'spin off' components
and a set of 3 recordings showing you 3 of the areas that the
book already covers in text form.
The videos are for people who may prefer to 'watch' the 3
particular aspects of Adwords rather than read about it. Just
don't expect to learn anything new that isn't already covered
within the main manual.
Having said all this, if Adwords Miracle WAS the only book
available on Adwords then I wouldn't be disappointed and at $97
it represents reasonable value. Id much prefer to buy and read
this book than try to learn it all via my own research!
It is however, NOT the only eBook to be found on Google
Adwords, in fact its not even the only good book available.
A Cheaper Alternative To Adwords Miracle to Consider Is.......
There is a much cheaper alternative available to Adwords
Miracle. In fact its about 40% cheaper. Its called Adwords
Within Adwords Elements you can learn pretty much all the
secrets outlined within Adwords Miracle, plus a couple of the
authors own secrets. Its laid out and written in a simple, easy
to understand manner and is stuffed to the brim with the same
sought of info that you can use to take full advantage of the
power of Adwords.
In my own personal opinion using Adwords Elements, you will
walk away with the same little known knowledge and advantages
that Adwords Miracle offers, abet at a cheaper price.
About The Author: Im not a massive fan of hype so thats all Im
going to say. Check Out http://www.AdwordsE
looking for qaulity up to date Adwords guide!
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