Tuesday, August 29, 2006

ArticleBlaster Creativity In Article Writing Will Help You To Succeed!


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Craig Ritsema

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Article Title: Creativity In Article Writing Will Help You To
Author: Craig Ritsema
Word Count: 848
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=79870&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: cmrlkr[at]sbcglobal.net (replace [at]
with @)

Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.com/html.php?aid=79870

================== ARTICLE START ==================
Search engines love fresh, unique and creative information. Why
is this? People love this kind of information and demand it when
they use their favorite search engine to find it. The more
people in love with their search engine, the more products and
services that can be sold.

Website owners know this also. Many webmasters search for
creative content to put on their websites much the same as
Indiana Jones searched for the Holy Grail.

So you too want to succeed in an internet business? By now you
have already learned that writing articles and distributing
them to other websites for publishing is a good thing.
Webmasters need content and you need to promote your own

You start out your writing with a bang! You learn all the
tricks of the trade! You write a couple dozen articles or so
with great passion and then bam! You hit a brick wall and can�t
think of anything else to write about.

So how do you get the creative juices to flow again?

One way that has worked for me is a Private Label Rights (PLR)
membership. A PLR is basically the rights for you to use
someone else�s work as if it was your own. Depending on the
membership, there can be differences in whether you actually
own the copyright, but usually the original author who wrote
the article gives you the right to distribute it as your own or
to write derivatives of their content.

This is creative?

Not really. Many popular article directories also ban the
publishing of these kinds of articles. Search engines also take
a rather dim view of this kind of content. Many experts believe
there will even be a penalty eventually given by the search
engines to this kind of duplicate content, regardless of the
rights given to the new author. It�s questionable though, how
this duplicity can be determined.

So what�s so great about a PLR membership then?

Most PLR organizations are aware of the negative value
associated with simply republishing their content under a
different author�s name. In fact, if it is any good at all they
will advise you to rewrite it before republishing it.

�Rewriting an existing article� would mean�

If you�re considering this from the search engine�s point of
view, which many people are, then rewriting simply means to
make the article content unique.

To make an article unique you simply need to change some of the
words, rearrange some of the sentences and maybe add sentences
here and there. Some experts would say that you simply need to
add a new paragraph and the start and end of the article � who
knows if this is true except the search engine developers?

I�ve never actually changed a PLR article in this way. I use
the analogy with this technique of article writing to the days
of duplicating music cassette tapes. People would start with
the clear sounding original and make copies. Each generation of
copies would become less clear than the original. Eventually the
copies would have very little clarity and become unusable.

Changing PLR articles to the benefit of search engines only
will cloud the original message to the point of mumble jumble.
It eventually becomes useless content without the least bit of

Remember the first paragraph of this article?

Search engines want fresh and creative article content because
the people who use their search engines demand it. They will
have to task their engineers to remove this kind of content or
their users will go to their competitor in a heartbeat to find
their quality information.

What PLR content does bring to the table as �value added� is
ideas for new articles. As you read thru the many articles
provided by a membership, ideas are triggered in your mind
which you can then fill in with your own personal writing.

Why pay for a PLR membership for this kind of creative juice?
Could you not just spend time at a popular article directory
site and accomplish the same?

Sure, if plagiarism does not bother you. Most people understand
what this means and do not want to do this as part of their
article. They may need help with their article writing and copy
a sentence or two as part of their new article. This is
perfectly acceptable with the articles provided as part of the
PLR membership.

You could think of this as a �Creativity Crutch� to help you
get thru the learning curve of writing your own content from
scratch. Eventually, you�ll read a few paragraphs from a PLR
article, close it, and write a completely new article from

Don�t let lack of creativity stop you from writing your own

Learn the trade and reap the rewards!

About The Author: Craig Ritsema operates a successful Part Time
Work At Home business and resides in Michigan, USA. For more
details visit his site at:

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Craig Ritsema please visit:

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