Tuesday, August 29, 2006

ArticleBlaster 3 Ways to Respectfully Handle Your Less-Than-Ideal Clients

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Article Title:

3 Ways to Respectfully Handle Your Less-Than-Ideal Clients

Article Description:

If you're charging what you're worth then you're going to be
cutting loose the bottom 10-15% of your clients each year. But
nobody likes to be "the bad guy" so when the time comes to move
on what do you do? The answer isn't to just pack their bag and
say, "See you later Charlie!". Nor is it to hang on to the
guilt-and the clients-"because you don't want to hurt their

Additional Article Information:

815 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-08-29 13:36:00

Written By: Kendall SummerHawk
Copyright: 2006, All Rights Reserved
Contact Email: mailto:Kendall@KendallSummerHawk.com

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3 Ways to Respectfully Handle Your Less-Than-Ideal Clients
Copyright � 2006 -2009, All Rights Reserved
Written by: Kendall SummerHawk
the Horse Whisperer for Business

If you're charging what you're worth then you're going to be
cutting loose the bottom 10-15% of your clients each year. But
nobody likes to be "the bad guy" so when the time comes to move
on what do you do? The answer isn't to just pack their bag and
say, "See you later Charlie!". Nor is it to hang on to the
guilt-and the clients-"because you don't want to hurt their

First let's be clear about the clients I'm talking about.
They're the ones that they love you and what you do, but
typically can't afford to pay your top fees. They're still a
fan of yours, although they're unlikely to make the kind of
changes-and get the kind of results-your top clients make. In a
nutshell, they're nice, you like them, but they're always on
the fringe of your core service.

What we're not talking about are the clients who take up buckets
of your time and attention, complain, and cost you far more in
energy than they ever pay (when they do get around to paying,
which is usually late). I call these "dread-not" clients
because when you hear their voice or see their email, you dread
it and think, "not again!"

Here are three simple, respectful steps you can use to take great
care of your fringe clients, increase your income, AND work

Step #1 Decide what's best for YOU and your business first!

I know you love to help everyone, but the plain fact is, you
can't. When I faced up to this fact, I felt a huge weight lift
off my shoulders. Decide right now to focus on your most
profitable clients and your most profitable services.

You're probably immediately launching into the "what if's"
and the "yes but's". My coaching on this? Don't go there.
Those are just excuses and guilt weighing you down and keeping
you where you are now (which is working too hard, right?) What's
best for your business is YOU feeling fresh, inspired, and having
fun so you can create extraordinary results for the people you
personally work with.

Step #2 Create an alternative solution for your fringe clients

Now that you've decided to focus your time on your most
profitable clients and services, you've opened up an opportunity
to create optional products and new delivery methods that expand
your business, while taking up lots less of your time.

For example, I am so into creating information products I can
hardly sit still. Information products are easy to create, can be
sold 24/7 on your website, and instantly position you as an
expert. They are the perfect solution to offering a solution to
your fringe clients without spending any of your precious time.
(By the way - I am putting together an incredibly fun and easy
solution so you too can have your own information product. Watch
for my special announcement later this summer).

Another example is rolling fringe clients into a group, a class,
or a workshop. This isn't just a bone you're throwing them.
It's actually a powerful way to build your brand and your bottom
line. People who buy your products or attend your classes know,
like, and trust you. They'll refer others like them, and, may
eventually turn themselves into core-service clients.

Here's one more example: turn how you work with clients into a
series of steps (very simple to do because I bet you're already
taking clients through steps now) then train a colleague or
apprentice how to deliver the starter steps. Clients can either
stop there, or continue on with you personally for your core
service. They're getting what they want and you're getting
clients who are polished, primed, and ready to go with your more
advanced solutions. Everybody wins!

Step #3 Create crystal clear "who this is right for" criteria
for each service you offer

When you're clear about precisely who each of your services is
right for your clients will naturally self-select into the right
solution for them. You look like a genius because you've made it
so easy for your clients to purchase the right service. They feel
smart because they made the right choice.

Once you put these steps into place (and remember, the first one
you can do today. It's to decide!) you'll need to have a
conversation with existing clients to help them transition into
the new option. Keep the conversation short and focused on them.

Tell them how much you've enjoyed working with them. Tell them
how important it is to be able to help other people like them who
were in their same situation. Then share with them how to make
that possible, you've created new options for them to choose
from. Make one of those options the opportunity to step up to
your core service, and offer your new offers for them to choose
from as well.

Kendall SummerHawk, the "Horse Whisperer for Business" delivers
smart, savvy ways entrepreneurs can turn their hectic business
into a smooth-running, fun, 6-figure money-making dream. To
learn more about her book, Brilliance Unbridled, and sign up
for more FREE tips like these, visit her site at:


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