Thursday, June 22, 2006

ArticleBlaster Marketing Strategies: 3 Simple Steps To Creating Your Ideal Income


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Article Title: Marketing Strategies: 3 Simple Steps To Creating
Your Ideal Income
Author: Maya Bailey, Ph. D.
Word Count: 1094
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Author's Email Address: mbailey[at] (replace
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Are you interested in creating your ideal income this year? Are
you tired of waiting for things to get better? Are you feeling
like you have so much more potential than you are currently

Imagine for a moment reaching your ideal income this year. What
would that look like and feel like? What would you be able to do
that you can�t do now?

Ask yourself what are the things you need to be doing right now
to manifest that? Do you need to find a way to raise your
motivation? Do need to stop procrastinating? Do you need to
stop avoiding marketing ? Do you need to be more accountable to

If you want to learn a simple way to create your ideal income,
then read on...

Step 1: Get clear on what you do want.

Do know exactly where you want to be professionally in 12
months from today? To achieve even more clarity, I invite you
to this simple visualization.

Sit in a comfortable place where you wont be disturbed. Ask
yourself the following questions: In a year from now, what kind
of work do you want to be doing? How many hours a week do you
want to be doing it ? Who would be your ideal clients and
colleagues ? What kind of people do you want to be around? What
would be your ideal physical surroundings for work? Finally, ask
your self what would be your ideal income? Pick a figure that is
realistic but optimistic.

Here�s an example from one of my clients of what your
visualization might look like, � In one year from today, I see
myself doing real estate, working mostly with listings, and
being surrounded with people I like; people who are upbeat,
responsible, committed and motivated. I have my own office, and
I am looking out of a big window at a garden. My income is
$150,000 net.�

How close is that to what you want to create?

Step 2: Overcoming the obstacles, challenges, self limiting
beliefs, and self sabotaging strategies.

In Step 1, you got clarity on your ideal professional life. In
Step 2, you identify the blocks you would need to overcome to
get there. So ask yourself what is stopping you? What are your
self limiting beliefs? What are your self sabotaging

In my 30 years of coaching people to become successful, the
self limiting beliefs that I hear the most are:

� �I�m not good enough�

� �I don�t know enough�

� �I don�t have what it takes to succeed�

� �I can�t do marketing"

� �If I market myself, I�m afraid I�ll be rejected�

Take a good look at the list and ask yourself which ones
resonate with you? Here�s the good news: �These are not facts,
these are beliefs and beliefs can be changed�. One of the
things I help my clients to do is to reprogram their self
limiting belief into an Empowering belief. If you were to
reprogram the beliefs above into Empowering beliefs what would
they sound like? Anything like:

� �I am more than good enough�

� �I know all that I need to know and I can always research and
find the answers�

� �I have all I need to succeed�

� �I�m learning to become a Master at marketing�

� �Since I have something of value to offer my prospective
clients, most likely I will be accepted�

How would it feel to have those beliefs as your foundation?

Step 3: Create your script.

Once you have clarified what you want and reprogrammed your
self limiting beliefs, the next step is to create your script.
What is the area that you need to develop the most? Is it
marketing, is it time management, is it confidence building?
What ever you decide, you need a script to achieve it.

Why do I recommend a script rather than a plan? A business plan
is a written document outlining a series of logical steps that
lead to the realization of a goal in business. A business plan
follows specific guidelines and requires certain information. A
script, on the other hand, comes from your imagination. You can
write what you want and not have to follow guidelines set by
someone else.

Einstein once said, �Imagination is more important than
knowledge�. Imagination is an integral part of ourselves and
our intuition. When we write a script, we feel what we are
writing and those feelings create physical sensations that
connect our body to our imagination. When we are free to
imagine and feel what we want, not only do we become like
magnets to draw it to us, but also we are guided by �inspired

What is the difference between �inspired action� and �frantic
action�? The difference is between faith and fear. As you have
probably heard, �Desperation doesn�t sell�. And yet, many of my
clients have come to see me in a state of fear and panic. They
have been taking action steps, frantic action , based on their
fear and then they wonder why their marketing isn�t working.
Fear doesn�t attract clients, it repels them.

�Inspired action� on the other hand are action steps that you
feel inspired to do. What inspires you? Your vision, the reason
why you're doing what you are doing. Here�s a tip: if you really
want to be successful, focus on the service you�re giving to
others, not on the money. The money will follow if you are
making a contribution and doing what you love.

One final thought on Faith v.s. Fear. Here�s a story that
illustrates the message: a student goes to his teacher and
says, �I�m having a terrible struggle between my fear and my
faith. My fear is represented by a black dog and my faith is
represented by a white dog. They are battling all the time and
I don�t know which one is going to win.� The teacher says,
�Why, the white dog, of course.� The student says, �How do you
know?� The teacher says, �Because that�s the one you�re going
to feed.�

Here�s a tip: How many creative ways can you find to feed your
white dog?

About The Author: Dr. Maya Bailey, Ph. D. For more information
on powerful real estate marketing tips and tools, please visit
Maya's website: While you're
there, click the first button to receive your free Audio
Mentoring Session. Click the second button for a complimentary
"Propel Your Business" Coaching Session.

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For more free-reprint articles by Maya Bailey, Ph. D. please

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