Friday, June 23, 2006

ArticleBlaster Getting Word Of Mouth Started: New Book PR Method


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James Finch

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Article Title: Getting Word Of Mouth Started: New Book PR
Author: James Finch
Word Count: 516
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: editor[at] (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Authors and business people often go to extremes to publicize
their book or product launch. Sometimes, the most successful
method can appear in front of them. Take for example, book
publicity. It is the one of the toughest cases to crack. Each
year, at least 50,000 authors are published in the United
States. Tens of thousands of authors publish electronic books.
Most fail to get noticed. Very few achieve any of their goals
as authors � to build up readership.

Here�s a way to get the word out and polish off your book
before it hits the stores: sampling. Major corporations utilize
focus groups, pollsters and other marketing experts to build up
their brand name. This is similar to planting seeds to get a
garden or orchard to grow. The more seeds you plant, the better
your chances to grow vegetables or apple trees. As an author,
you can use sampling or �seeding,� to build up awareness of
your book. During the publishing process, we discovered a
clever way to attract readers, and at the same time, we can
upgrade our book.

Having been through the publishing process for many decades, we
experimented with what every author secretly fears: a peer
review. But, we did it with a twist. Instead of waiting until
the book is published to read the reviews, we posted the book
on our website to accept all criticism in advance. We called
this a �Public and Peer Review� of our book, entitled
�Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market: A Practical
Investor�s Guide to Uranium Stocks.�

Before posting the first eight chapters of the electronic
version of this book, we notified subscribers, several days
earlier, that the book would be available on June 18th at 11:59
P.M for Open Review. In the email notification, we included a
reminder to �tell a friend� about the book�s pre-publication.

By the time this book was ready to be electronically published,
our large number of subscribers had jumped by nearly 10 percent!
In less than one week, we had gained more new subscribers than
we had in the previous few months. Our Alexa rating, for the
week had also jumped ahead of nearly 1 million other websites.
The one-week draw from the email notification had also
increased the 3-month average by 267 percent!

This marketing opportunity provided us with greater readership.
It might now offer us a broader range of opinions, helping us
improve the book. Hopefully, there will be those annoying copy
editor types, who will help point out grammar, spelling and
punctuation errors. Previous tests, similar to this, have also
drawn experts from the industry we have written about. This
adds more texture to our research, and ultimately creates a
better product for our readers.

Stay tuned for our next publicity surprise, after we review the
success of our public and peer review. The key is to plan out a
series of teasers to keep drawing visitors to your website and
intelligently persuade them that your book is something they
absolutely have to read.

About The Author: James Finch contributes to and other publication. Sign up for
your free copy of our book, �Investing in the Great Uranium
Bull Market: A Practical Investor�s Guide to Uranium Stocks.�
Just visit for details.

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by James Finch please visit:

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