Wednesday, May 31, 2006

ArticleBlasterInternet Marketing – The great secret doesn’t exist!

You may reprint this article i
BY: Larry Blenn

I'd like to take a few minutes of your time to discuss Internet
marketing. If you are new to the business then you may have already
become overwhelmed by all of the hype and sales pitches. Maybe you
have been searching for that one secret that will set you free from
your job and put you on a career path of your own.

I have been a successful Internet marketer for two years now and I was
once a lot like you. I spent thousands of dollars on ebooks and
training manuals. I paid thousands more to take Internet coaching
courses. I read every article, every blog, every book I could find on
the subject. It's funny that most people will buy a product that they
think will be the answer to their prayers only to forget about it a
month later and then start the cycle all over again buying more books,
taking more courses and on and on.

I'm not pointing fingers because I did exactly the same thing over and
over again. I can' t tell you how much money I lost of "Get Rich Quick
Scams". Now, I'm not a stupid person. I desired to build my dreams
just like everyone else. It wasn't until I came to the realization
that trying to do it all alone simply doesn't work. Some of the
greatest minds in human history did great things because they
surrounded themselves with other great people. Take Henry Ford for
example; Ford was an under-educated man who had nothing when he
started out. But Ford surrounded himself with a group of people that
he believed in. When Ford was building the first V-8 engine it took
his engineers over a year to come up with a design that worked. He
never gave up on his idea even when the engineers said it could not be

My point is that too many people think they will stumble on some great
secret that only they will know and they will guard it with their
lives. They will be the only ones who hold some special key and they
alone will market this secret without giving away the actual secret.
All this thinking leads to disappointment because there is no secret.

I built my company by believing in people as Henry Ford did. I don't
hold some great secret. I surrounded myself with like-minded people
and together we built a wonderful Internet company helping people to
get started in the Internet business. We believed from the beginning
that we would succeed and two years later our company has become not
just a source of income but also a source of pride.

Why would I try to hide some secret and then market it to you when I
could show you how to be your own marketer and let you do your own
thing. There is plenty to go around. We do not live in a closed
society. Some of my best clients come from overseas ventures. If you
stop thinking locally and focus globally your world will open up new
frontiers for you.

Marketing and advertising Marketing and advertising small business Business marketing and advertising
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