Wednesday, May 31, 2006

ArticleBlaster Beside Making Truckloads of Money... Who Else Wants to Discover Why They Should Start Their Own Record Label?

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Ty Cohen
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Article Title:

Beside Making Truckloads of Money... Who Else Wants to Discover Why They Should Start Their Own Record Label?

Article Description:

Don't tell me you never thought about owning your own Indie
record label company. I guess the real question is, what has
been stopping you? Unfortunately, I know too well the answer to
this question. There are many reasons why people tell themselves
why they can't have their own Indie record label company.

Additional Article Information:

884 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-05-31 11:36:00

Written By: Ty Cohen
Copyright: 2006
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Beside Making Truckloads of Money... Who Else Wants to Discover Why They Should Start Their Own Record Label?
Copyright � 2006 Ty Cohen
The Ultimate Record Label

Don't tell me you never thought about owning your own Indie
record label company. I guess the real question is, what has been
stopping you? Unfortunately, I know too well the answer to this
question. You are stopping you from breaking into one of the most
lucrative, record labeling industries...the Indie.

There are many reasons why people tell themselves why they can't
have their own Indie record label company. However, I'm going to
tell you why you can and more importantly, why it is imperative
that you start right now. There are many benefits to owning your
own record label company. I'm going to help convince you why you
CAN start your own Indie record company. In the following
paragraphs, I'm going to squash your lame excuses for not
starting your own Indie record company, and by the end of the
article I'll have you off the couch in no time.

The main excuse that I hear as to why someone will not start his
or her own Indie record label company is due to the lack of the
almighty dollar. Maybe you don't have a lot of George
Washington's lying around, but chances are you probably know
someone who does. If you are serious about your music, then
create a proposal, short, sweet and to the point to present to
your family, friends, etc... Wait, before you talk to them make
sure that you have done your research on how much things will
cost. Look in your local billboard magazine's classified section
for a good idea about costs for various services. Once you know
the basis for your budget, you will then be ready to speak
intelligently to your future financial backers.

Explain to your investors first and foremost how music is your
life, your passion. Then spell out in your proposal what monies
you need in order for your Indie record Label Company to become a
success. Give them a detailed description of the money needed for
production costs, musicians, recording costs, advertising and
distribution costs. The more you know about the future costs the
more secure your investors will feel about investing in your new
venture and the quicker you'll be of to start a record label.

Another reason that I hear as to why people don't start their
own Indie record label is because they do not have enough
material. If you have a single - 7", cassette, or 12" you then
have enough material. There are companies that still even work
with vinyl. Such as, Disc Makers, Europadisk,Ltd. and Rainbo.
Their prices are reasonable. The next excuse I usually hear is
that one does not have a steady gig. Well, good news. You do not
need a steady gig in order to promote your product. As long as
you have a professional looking recording, that is the only
steady gig you need.

Others tell me that they can't start their own label because
they do not have a distributor. Well, unless you have signed with
a major label, you can use other methods to distribute your
recordings. Most independent music stores are willing to take
music on consignment. You can also contact several online catalog
distribution organizations. There usually is a nominal fee,
however, artists who distribute through this medium have an
opportunity to become acquainted with the distribution side of
the business. You can also try to get your music distributed
through other independent labels.

Speaking of building new acquaintances; it is important to send
someone out to promote your label at various clubs. This brings
me to another topic as to why people believe they cannot start
their own record label...they do not have a manager. Well,
finding a manager is easier than you thought. First, put up some
ads at local colleges. You will find that there are a lot of
students willing to try their hand in the music business. Once
you decide to hire a manager, make sure it is someone you can
trust. Then make a contract with that person for either a flat
fee or for a percentage of the business. If you can it is always
a good idea to have a lawyer draw up a contract for you.

One of the more popular excuses that I hear all the time as to
why one cannot start a record label is because he/she does not
have any equipment. Folks, home recording is becoming more and
more popular. If you can't afford to buy the latest equipment,
then try to get spec time at a studio. Too can make arrangements
to record during off hours.

Finally, I have heard people say that they do not understand all
that copyright, licensing stuff and therefore they couldn't
start their own company. Well, it is not as confusing as you may
think. It only costs $20 to have your music copyrighted. Contact
the U.S.Copyright office. In order to be licensed then you need
to negotiate with ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC; otherwise you will have
to negotiate with each and every radio station that plays your

I hope I have helped show you that as an artist, you can and
should start your own record label company, rather than sign with
a major label. Remember YOU control your own destiny. Good luck
and happy listening!

Ty Cohen is the acclaimed author of over a dozen
best-selling music industry "How to" books and courses.
Grab a copy of Ty Cohen's latest book title by visiting and to learn more about
starting or turning your existing record label into
a world wide, profit pulling record label visit:
Start A Record Label Today!



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