Saturday, May 13, 2006

ArticleBlaster An Unusual & Insanely Profitable Type Of Joint Venture


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Article Title: An Unusual & Insanely Profitable Type Of Joint
Author: Muhammad Shariq
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Joint-Venturing doesn't end on asking a Guru to endorse your
stuff. But that's what the majority of people in the Internet
marketing world focus on.

Here's an unusual & insanely profitable kind of JV:

Co-author with a Guru.

Yes, you better know what your stuff. And no � it�s not for you
if you aren�t damn serious. Because it takes a lot of work &
brings in a lot of cash. Not for the easy-goers.

But why would the guru want to do this?
Because it saves them time & gets them easy bucks!

Every guru has at least a dozen product ideas that they doesn't
have time for. If you offer
to do all the work & still give them 60% or more - there's no
way they're going to miss it!

You can also make a product specifically FOR one guru's
audience. But that's another story.

Here's a tip: Ask the guru for an unfinished product.

Many gurus start a product but for some reason it's pushed
aside half-way down. They want that product to see the light of
the day but they don't have time for it or maybe they've just
moved on.

But if you offer to complete that product, they will love you
for it!

Take all the work on yourself. From finishing the product to
writing the sales copy & auto-responder messages. Save them the
headache, their time, energy & money - & they'll be happy to
co-author with you.

What�s in it for you? (as if you need to ask!)

Because just one product can launch you to stardom. When people
see you co-authored an ebook with a successful guru - you get
instant credibility. And of course the money comes rolling in
faster than you can count - because the guru obviously has a
loyal following.

And then people will be contacting YOU for joint-ventures! The
credibility, the money, the contacts - it's all worth it.

There are many examples of people who launched their online
this way. From Tellman Knudson to Patric Chan & more. Here are
3 case-studies:

- Jim Edwards.

I can't say if he launched his online career this way. But this
guy has authored at least half a dozen books with the top guns
in this industry.

The one that gave him the first real boost was "How to write an
ebook in 7 days or less� that he co-authored with Joe Vitale.

The story is - Jim Edwards asked Joe Vitale to give him any old
document of him that he could turn into an ebook. After constant
request - Joe gave him a book he authored long ago - on how to
write a book in a record time.

Jim edited it a bit & then turned it into "How to write an
ebook in 7 days or less". It became an instant best seller &
gave Jim his first shot of fame.

Since then - Jim has co-authored with more Gurus than I can
count. And today he's a big Guru himself! Smart, eh?

- Larry Dotson

His story is so simple - it'd be hard to believe.

Larry wrote a swipe file of hypnotic words & phrases. Then he
wrote to Joe Vitale that since 'hypnotic' is his brand - Joe
can review it & if he wants - add some hypnotic phrases himself
& they'll co-author it.

Joe agreed & yes 'hypnotic swipe file' sold like crazy. Today
Larry got 4-6 other hypnotic ebooks co-authored with Joe.

Nitro marketing that multi-million-dollar IM company promotes
90% of Joe Vitale's products including the ones he co-authored
with Larry.

So Larry's being promoted by nitro-marketing & he�ll keep
getting royalty from them for decades to come.

Last year - Joe said he hasn't seen, met or even heard Larry�s
voice! I doubt if they've even met now - yet the story &
success is astonishing.

- Tellman Knudson.

Tellman is an NLP expert. I don't know how he got his start
online but his first few products where - 'Think like' series.

He did it Chip Traver, Shawn Casey, Joe Vitale & probably
others. The one that got famous was �Think like Joe Vitale'.

Another product he did was 'Nitro Mindset' with the nitro
marketing guys. Then he started "List Crusade" where he
interviewed (& still does) gurus every week.

These are all different kinds of JVs. Not the usual
milking-the-big-guru please-endorse-me type of ones. I can't
say if this way is harder or easier but one thing is for sure -
they 10x more profitable.

Enjoy the success by co-authoring with the big gurus!

About The Author: Muhammad Shariq is the co-founder of 'Play
with a Guru'. For free access to more joint-venture ideas,
tactics & secrets - specially from JV master 'Marc Goldman' -
go to: ==>

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For more free-reprint articles by Muhammad Shariq please visit:

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