Sunday, May 14, 2006

ArticleBlaster Packaging Your Services: Create Multiple Streams of Small Business Income

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One of the ways you - as an owner of service businesses -
can increase your profits is to create muliple streams of
small business income. And the place to start is by
designing informational products.

Word Count:  527


Packaging Your Services: Create Multiple Streams
  of Small Business Income

One of the ways you - as an owner of service businesses -
can increase your profits is to create muliple streams of
small business income. And the place to start is by
designing informational products. The products could be
based your knowledge - things like CDs, e-books, booklets,
teleseminars, and articles. You know -- these are the very
things you've been watching me develop over the years. And
if you're a US resident who has taken one of my
TeleSeminars, you may have received one of my "test" CDs in
the mail! They include an ebook and audio of the class. And
you can create such products, too.

Another way to boost your income is to develop products that
will help your ideal clients. And it's easier then you think
IF you really, really, really listen to your clients. For
example, my clients complained that they had lots of ideas
and that I was also giving them even more terrific marketing
ideas, some of which could be used "later." Many of the
ideas they'd been keeping were written on many bit of paper.
(Can you relate?)

What I heard was that they wanted a SIMPLE way to organize
their ideas for future use that did not include rewriting
(or retyping them) in a software program. So, I created
SIMPLE IDEAS Folders. Now, my clients all have these folders
and I sell them for $3 when I speak. Besides being
inexpensive and SIMPLE, each of the 6 folders has my web
site on them, so they're a great marketing tool.

Below is an excerpt from the Packaging Your Services Chapter
of my ebook, "No-BS Pricing Guide - Helping Owners of
Service Business Price Your Services 'Just Right.'" You can
read more about how you can obtain a copy of the ebook here.

-- Offer a variety of packages - different products,
different services, different lengths of time (if
applicable). Want to view an example of pricing packages?

-- Many business owners place a pricing structure on their
websites. Using the industry name, plus the word "rate" or
"fees" or "quote," you can find those sites on the Internet.

-- Always consider the client and customer service when
pricing your services, too. If what you sell requires
training for your customers, you can offer a block of
training hours included in the initial price, with
additional training charged separately at an hourly rate of
___. The training hours can be in person, over the phone, or
via email.

-- Some people do advertise their prices; others don't. Some
people charge by the hour; others charge by the project
(which is perceived to be more professional).

-- If you list your prices - be specific. List what is
included, for how many hours and/or for how many people. You
might want to include a form for potential clients to
complete so prices can be calculated.

-- Consider charging a licensing fee. When you create a
document for use by your clients, it might be a product they
want to share with their clients. If so, create a licensing
fee policy for that document, ebook, ereport, program, etc.

©2006 Maria Marsala, former Wall Street Trader. Elevating
Your Business works confidentially, one-on-one, with women
business leaders; CEOs and Presidents of service companies, 
to help run more effective and efficient businesses while
positioning themselves to achieve mind blowing financial
and personal success.  Join "SIMPLE Business Solutions
Ezine" to receive your one-page business Plan audio and
2 reports in your Welcome Note now.

Marketing and advertising Marketing and advertising small business Business marketing and advertising
Marketing and advertising class


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