Thursday, January 04, 2007

ArticleBlaster 7 Surefire Ways To Get Leads For Your Mlm Business


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Kevin Nunley

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Article Title: 7 Surefire Ways To Get Leads For Your Mlm
Author: Kevin Nunley
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Author's Email Address: kevin[at] (replace [at]
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
After you join an MLM business, it's usually smooth sailing for
a few days or weeks. You have plenty of leads--well, you have
your family and friends--but those leads don't last forever.
When you've exhausted your list of leads, what do you do?

The lifeblood of your business is leads. If you don't have
interested prospects to email and call, then you don't have
much of a business. So the question is, how do you get leads
beyond your family and friends?

There are many network marketers out there who have more leads
than they know what to do with. They get to the point where
they don't have to look for leads at all--the leads come to
them. How are they able to pull this off? Let me tell you, it's
not with some simple conjuring trick. They use a variety of
lead-pulling techniques that anyone can use.

Here are a few of the top lead-getting techniques used by
network marketers:

1.Content - Put up a website that not only has information
about your business opportunity and products, but also features
content that people search for, such as articles, free tools,
business and marketing tips, etc. Many of the people who end up
in network marketing do so by accident. They didn't go searching
for an opportunity; one just sort of fell into their lap while
they were searching for useful information.

Just because people don't go searching for your opportunity
doesn't mean they aren't interested. If they come to your site
because they did a search for information on a certain topic,
or free marketing tools, what does it matter? They are still at
your site, where they will have to view information on your
product or opportunities, along with what they were actually
looking for.

2.Dangle the Carrot - Once you've drawn visitors to your site
with free content, you have to get their information so you can
follow up. You've already led them this far; you just need to
dangle the carrot and lead them a little further. The carrot
could be a free report on email marketing, an e-course designed
to help them start their own business, or an e-book on how to
build a website. Make sure it pertains to the content they came
searching for. That way, since they wanted to see what your
content was, they will also want whatever freebie you have to

Here's the trick. They have to give you their contact info--at
least their name and email address--in order to get the
freebies. And as soon as you have that information, you have

3.Create a Newsletter - The promise of helpful information sent
directly to you on a regular basis is a tempting offer for most
Internet users. So why not create your own? You don't even have
to write all the content. You can ask other authors if you can
use their articles, so you don't have to spend all your time on
the newsletter.

But sure to include information about your products or
opportunities in each issue, but don't display the ads too
prominently. Otherwise subscribers will think your newsletter
is just one big ad.

To get subscribers, use the methods above. Draw visitors to
your site with free content and then offer the free newsletter.
Use, Yahoo Groups, or iSnare to send it out
for free.

4.Buy Your Leads - One of the easiest ways to get leads is to
buy a leads list. Of course, this is also one of the most
expensive. But it works well if you have a good lead source.
Ask other network marketers who use this method to point out
the best sources for buying lists. Make sure the lists you're
buying are of people who have truly expressed an interest in
getting information. Otherwise, you'll be wasting your money
because they will delete your message without bothering to read
it. What's more, you could be accused of sending unsolicted

5.Offer an Email Course - You can turn yourself into an instant
MLM expert, as well as promote your opportunity, simply by
offering an email course via multiple autoresponders. If you
don't feel comfortable writing your own course, find a good
copywriter to do it for you. Make sure the course is not just a
bunch of sales letters. They have to contain information your
prospects really want. Pitch your products or opportunity
briefly at the end of each course letter, or mention it
occasionally in the body text. For the best no-cost
autoresponder system I've ever seen, visit

6.Talk About It - Never pass up an opportunity to talk about
your business or products. I don't mean talking to people while
you're standing in line at the grocery store; you don't want to
annoy people. But there are plenty of other ways you can talk
about your business. For instance, you could give a
presentation on starting your own business to local groups or
on talk radio. The subject of your business is bound to come
up, but don't force it. Establish yourself as an expert by
talking about business and marketing related subjects, and when
people find out what you do, they'll automatically be
interested. Save your MLM pitch for private conversations with
participants or prospects who contact you later. You may also
find many opportunities to talk about your business in chat
rooms and on newsgroups. These are places where people who want
to talk will, so throw the subject out there and see who

7. Rank High - Use pay-per-click search engines to their
maximum potential. Choose keywords that will get you ranked
high so you can get people to your site. But don't just focus
on keywords about your business. Use keywords that will draw
the people who want to sign up for your newsletter or take
advantage of the free content on your site. Let your newsletter
and content do the selling.

About The Author: Kevin Nunley writes the Net's best sales
copy. See his popular promotion packages and writing deals at Reach him at

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