Friday, December 29, 2006

ArticleBlaster What Every Internet Marketer Should Know About Pay Per Click Advertising


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Gabriel Adams

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Article Title: What Every Internet Marketer Should Know About
Pay Per Click Advertising
Author: Gabriel Adams
Word Count: 340
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: thompson.adamj[at] (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Pay per click advertising is a great way to advertise on the
internet by having your ad seen on search engines and other
websites, with a link to your site. This type of advertising
uses keyword searches to attract potential consumers. Pay per
click advertising is very inexpensive, so even smaller websites
can benefit from it without having a hefty advertising budget.
The advertiser only pays for the number of clicks, also called
hits, which result from the advertising. Very popular pay per
click advertising hosts include Google and Yahoo.

The more common keyword you use, the more you will have to pay
to be at the top of the list when individuals access the search
engine. Most individuals click on the first item on the list,
assuming it is the one most closely related to what they are
looking for.

It is important for advertisers to be aware of pay per click
advertising fraud. Such fraud is the result of individuals or
automated computers continually clicks on an ad for the sole
purpose of creating the illusion that different potential
customers are accessing the ad. The fraud is conducted to
increase the revenue the company doing the advertising
receives. Participating in pay per click advertising fraud is a
felony if they culprit can be tracked down.

To prevent becoming the victim of such pay per click
advertising fraud issues, many advertisers are starting to
request logs of web server files. This provides the advertiser
with detailed information relating to the times and number of
clicks from the advertisement.

With so many individuals using the internet to explore and
shop, e-commerce has become a very effective way to make money.
Pay per click advertising can help generate traffic to your
website, resulting in an increase in the sale of your goods or
services. Being aware of pay per click fraud issues can help
protect you against them. However, overall this is a very
inexpensive and effective way to advertise on the internet.

About The Author: Visit the Pay Per Click Publishers
Association (PPCPA) - An Industry association for ethical Pay
Per Click (PPC) Publishers:

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Gabriel Adams please visit:

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