Friday, December 01, 2006

ArticleBlaster My Upline Says Our Products Are Too Expensive...


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Kim Klaver

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Article Title: My Upline Says Our Products Are Too Expensive...
Author: Kim Klaver
Word Count: 340
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
and that the only way a customer will stay a customer is if
they invest in the business. That's what the upline of my
friend Rani, a member of Network Marketing Central, told her.

"And that's why," the upline continued, "getting customers is
not duplicatable."

Well now Houston, we have a problem. With an attitude like
that, how can you go after customers?

Here's another point of view from someone else in that same

"The products are NOT TOO EXPENSIVE for someone to be a 'just
customer,' said Donna, another NMC member. So I asked her what
she spent per month...

"You mean for my whole family, right?"



That's pretty big, said I.

"Well," she replied, "It's not when you're a basket case like I
was and I was spending much more than that on medicines and
treatments that were not working. I had had ten operations by
the time I came across these products. They saved my sight and
my life, and my husband's as well. $1,500 is not too much for
that. I'd never be without these products."

Moral: People are not price sensitive when they're looking for
something that matters a lot to them.

Donna says she has no trouble getting customers like herself -
who buy like she does. And she has almost total customer
retention, she reports. She's finding people like her, for whom
getting their health back is a BIG priority.

But Rani's upline in the same company (different line) is
discouraging everyone in her group from finding the Donna's out
there, telling her people the products "are too expensive." How
smart is that?

P.S. That company's best selling product is about $90 for a
month's supply - a body-cleansing health drink.

P.P.S. You can find Rani and Donna on the NMC site, but you
have to register and take the oath, first. Hehehe.

About The Author: Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated.
Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a
popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site,

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Kim Klaver please visit:

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