Thursday, December 21, 2006

ArticleBlaster The Just in Time Shopper


Author Name: Alexandria Cuthbert
Contact Email Address:
Category: Holiday, Shopping, Family, ,
Description: One of our more endearing Xmas traditions is the last minute gift. Perchance not the noblest of customs but certainly common enough to raise a comment or two from anyone who has had to wait at the check out counter of any retail establishment.
Keywords: christmas shopping, last minute christmas shopping,christmas gifts
Word Count: 656

Article Content:

One of our more recent Christmas customs is the last minute gift. Perchance
not the noblest of customs but sure enough common enough to prick a
comment or two from anyone who has had to endure the checkout of
any store.

Ever since we've been purchasing presents for family and friends, there
are some among us who just can't seem to get any substantial Christmas
shopping done until the last possible minute.

In fact, I would wager that the retail side of Christmas counts on the last
minute gift buying frenzy for a large percentage of their sales. As for me, My brother is to blame...

You see, my brother grew last minute Christmas shopping to an art form.
To watch my brother weave his way through the multitudes was poetry in motion. It was
mesmermizing. And since he's my older brother, I admired him
in every way.

If that is how he did it then it must be correct. Mind you, not all of us
are 6'4"and 225lbs so here a few suggestions to help you produce your own last
minute miracle:
Get ready. You're going to be standing in line in a short while
so fight the need to rush out the door. Make a list, don't worry how
simplistic or short.

Understand exactly whom you are going to be buying for. There's hardly any time left and
you may actually have to trim your list. If you must drop someone, you can
give them a New's Year gift instead. It will still be thought of as kind.

The larger question, of course, is what to get. Let's get going with where
not to go. Without doubt, keep away from the "Big Box" superstores. By
now, they'll be picked clean and full of exasperated Shoppers.

By dismissing the superstores, you must now think outside the box.
Think about the likes and dislikes of whomever you're purchasing for. If
that goes badly, think of their friends and the things they have in
common between them. If that doesn't breed an idea or two, think about the
work they do. If you're absolutely out of ideas, you can always count on old
faithful. That is, you can go with male or female.

Hold on for a just a bit right here. If you've not began a list, start
over! If you do, great! You're on your way. Take your list, which must
include names, gifts and possible stores. Head out knowing
you've done most of the hard work already!

One thing before you hit the stores. Get some cash! You can count
on credit card machines and ATM terminals not working at the most
inopportune times. And besides, there's nothing like real green to
speed-up check-out.

Once you're in the store, don't browse. Understand, you're on a mission
and the clock is working against you! Either it's there or not. Your list should be
fresh in your mind so if you see something that is close to
something on the list, don' hesitate!
Of course, some practice goes a long way. By the time you're in
your second or third store, you'll have it down pat.

The best part of purchasing a last minute gift is the experience itself.
There's not much to remember about purchasing a Christmas gift in August! But
you'll run across all kinds of characters if you venture forth sometime
following December 21st. Oh, the stories you'll be able to tell!

And what better gift can you give than a smile?

Settle down my fellow procrastinators! There's no need to hurry - You've
still got time to spare...

Author Biography:

Alexandria Cuthbert is a frequent writer for Christmas Songs and a serious eleventh-hour shopaholic.


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* You are not allowed to change anything in Article Content and Author Biography except the format for displaying the article properly.

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* I will appreciate it if you can notify me the publication of this article. I can be reached at

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