Friday, December 22, 2006

ArticleBlaster Build An Internet Marketing Niche


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Mario Churchill

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Article Title: Build An Internet Marketing Niche
Author: Mario Churchill
Word Count: 600
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: article.mario[at] (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
First things first, do not believe claims that tout that they
could bring as much as fifty or so million customers to your
website. This is hype that is way too exaggerated.

The fact of the matter is that an average web site that engages
in a business to business venture would probably receive about a
thousand visitors in a week during the beginning of their

The important thing is to get the visitors that is appropriate
for your site as well as the service and product that you are

Business that are just starting out would do well to master the
science of niche internet marketing.

The following are tips and advice to be able to achieve
effective niche internet marketing.

Customers must be profiled

It is extremely vital to profile the potential customers of
your business. It would be best to spend at least one hour or
the most two hours with someone you trust could give you an
honest view of the characteristics they personally possess.

Know where they meet online

After which, determining where such type of people regularly
meet and congregate online is a good way to establish links and
possible connections. Checking mailing lists or news groups is

Potential customers could be found in such niche discussion

Those who subscribe in mailing lists have to access their
e-mail regularly. Mailing list subscribers usually are involved
in discussions that are a lot more serious.

Meanwhile, newsgroups are also discussion groups where comments
are available for anyone to read and which you could also add
your own.

Though there may be a lot of irrelevant items here, try not to
discriminate anyone. Customers are still customers, no matter
how highly non-intelligent or intelligent he is.

Believe it or not, such groups are targeted a lot for
particular topics. Also, there are as much as a thousand
readers in such groups.

Discussion groups exist for a lot of other topics such as
dolls, racing, marketing, cycling, etc.
In case you do not find one that is particular niche, you could
very well create your own!

Communicate, communicate, communicate

If in case you have war books to sell online, it would be a
good idea therefore to look for a discussion group that caters
to books, and from there find a way to engage yourself in.

Coming on too strong such as sending out an advertisement
touting to BUY THE BOOK IM SELLING will most probably be met by
flames from the other online discussion group members.

It is always best to take your time and wait for the perfect
moment. A discussion that turns to war could then bring you to
discuss your books. Include in your note a small ad as well as
your own web site.

Discreteness is the key.

Practice netiquette

Use words cautiously and carefully. The saying, if you build it
they will come works well for all ventures, be it online or

Like attracts like, and the appropriate people will similarly
be attracted to what you are selling if it is not an
in-your-face manner that is exaggerated and loud.

Subtlety always works best.

All in all, internet niche marketing works. The key is to find
the niche customers and offer them something they possibly
could not refuse.

About The Author: Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has
written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more
information checkout and

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Mario Churchill please visit:

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