Wednesday, December 06, 2006

ArticleBlaster Build Instant Credibility Or You Will Lose The Deal Of A Lifetime


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Article Title: Build Instant Credibility Or You Will Lose The
Deal Of A Lifetime
Author: Kurt Mortensen
Word Count: 1010
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: askkurt[at]
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
You arrive late to an appointment and have forgotten the
literature you promised your prospect. Your credibility is at
an all time low. How can you salvage this situation?

�One can stand as the greatest orator the world has known,
possess the quickest mind, employ the cleverest psychology, and
have mastered all the technical devices of argument, but if one
is not credible one might just as well preach to the
� Gerry Spence, trial lawyer

Daniel O�Keefe defines credibility as �judgments made by a
perceiver concerning the believability of a communicator.�7
Edward Murrow said, �To be persuasive, we must be believable.
To be believable, we must be credible. To be credible, we must
be truthful.� Credibility is in the eye of the beholder and it
is a quality that is constantly changing. Credibility can be
high and low in the same presentation with the same audience.
Credibility can change with time, presentation, or somebody
else�s opinion.

Another way to boost your credibility is to present yourself in
a calm, organized, and authoritative manner. Being overly
emotional or flustered throws your credibility out the window.
Consider the most highly successful attorneys or CEOs. No
matter how rushed or pressured they are, you don�t ever see
them running into the room, slamming their stuff down on the
table, and throwing themselves into their chair. No! They are
absolutely composed at all times. They have to convey an air of
authority and control. Jury studies show that lawyers who appear
well organized are thought of as being more thorough and better
prepared, which of course increases their credibility.

An important issue to consider is how involved your audience is
in the topic you�re going to present to them, emotionally or
otherwise. If they are highly involved, you will have a harder
time gaining credibility � unless, of course, you�re telling
them what they want to hear! An audience with low involvement
in a particular issue is more likely to defer to other sources
(including you) because it requires less mental strain or
emotional investment than trying to figure it out for

Three stages of credibility present themselves during a
persuasive encounter:

Initial (Pre) � This happens even before you open your mouth.
How you are introduced, your reputation, the books you have
written, your degrees, etc., all of these things create initial

During � This is everything you say during your speech. This
type of credibility is similar to a thermometer: It will rise
and fall throughout your presentation.

End (Post) � This is your credibility at the end of your
speech. Did you win you audience over or not? Are they even
more convinced than they were before you began?

To boost your credibility, find out who your audience knows and
respects. See if you can get that person�s endorsement, either
in person or in writing. Master Persuaders know that it�s okay
to borrow the credibility of others. When you gain this
support, your audience will consider you to be even more
credible. If you are a known expert in your field, be sure to
communicate that you have studied it, researched it, and met
with its other experts. Also, be prepared to drop the names of
people your audience will recognize.

Here are ten ways you can increase your credibility in spite of
all the skepticism:

1. Be sure your appearance is polished and professional. How do
you look, dress, and appear to your audience? Do you appear
self-assured and in control of the situation? Do you maintain
good eye contact?

2. Use highly credible sources, facts, statistics, and stories.
Cite evidence, identify sources, and give source qualifications.
Write and publish relevant articles or publish a book.

3. Research your audience. Be sure you explain the issue in
terms that are relevant to them. Demonstrate that you have
their best interest in mind.

4. Explain your background, expertise, and qualifications so
your audience knows why you have the credibility to speak to
them on the subject matter. Display or promote your
qualifications as a means of conferring you status and

5. Adopt a language and style suitable to the listener, the
topic, and the setting. Watch vocal fillers like um, er, and
ah. They detract from the message and your credibility. Use
assertive language.

6. Emphasize your similarities in a way that makes them
relevant to your audience. Listeners find it easier to identify
with sources they perceive as similar to themselves. Use similar
industries, colleges, home states, professional sports teams �
anything to strike a chord of familiarity, a technique that
breeds instant rapport.

7. Have another highly credible individual (in the eyes of your
audience) introduce you. Testimonials substantiate your
expertise. Find third party testimonials that endorse your

8. Be prepared, be organized, and know your position. Make that
great first impression. Make sure your presentation is rehearsed
and polished. Educate, inspire, and entertain with passion,
compassion, and purpose.

9. Make sure any printed material or literature you will be
handing out has been carefully proofread and presented in a
neat and professional manner. Nothing detracts from your
credibility more than sloppy supplemental material. Make sure
all your material is appropriate and understandable.

10. Be prompt. People who are always showing up late are
considered less competent, less composed, and less sociable
than people who arrive on time.

It�s generally harder to gain credibility now than it ever has
been in the past. Most consumers are fairly sophisticated and
have grown cynical from all the exaggerated and unsubstantiated
hype being thrown at them. People who feel they have been burned
in the past have developed thick skins to almost every
persuasive message they are exposed to. In fact, according to
the Pretesting Company, advertising�s overall impact in the
United States has gone down from 61% in1986 to 38% today.

About The Author: Learning how to persuade and influence will
make the difference between hoping for a better income and
having a better income. Beware of the common mistakes
presenters and persuaders commit that cause them to lose the
deal. Go to and explode
your income today.

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