Tuesday, December 05, 2006

ArticleBlaster 5 Rules For Great Marketing


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Andrew Pritchard

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Article Title: 5 Rules For Great Marketing
Author: Andrew Pritchard
Word Count: 968
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=106889&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: info[at]inspire-consulting.com (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Does your business have all the customers it needs? Does it
have a potent marketing system that reliably goes out into the
marketplace and brings in profitable business?

Most businesses don't.

But marketing effectively isn't that hard, and it's not that
complicated. It just takes a little bit of discipline and
consistent adherence to some basic rules.

If your business is struggling to bring in customers, or if
you're just looking to give your sales a boost, review all of
your marketing materials and make sure they follow some basic

Here are a few things to pay close attention to:

1. It's All About the Customer

You must start thinking about things from your customer's point
of view.

Most businesses focus on themselves. This is a mistake. Forget
about your business, your products and services, and what you
need from your prospect. Instead, approach everything from the
standpoint of your customer.

Start focusing on your prospective customer, show them how you
can help them, and fully explain how they'll benefit from
working with you.

2. Response is King

You must ask for a response in every marketing activity you do.
If you don't get a good response, change your approach.

Whether the desired response is the completion of a sale or
simply a request for more information, you must make this
response as straightforward and as enticing as possible for
your prospects.

You must ask for response on your website, in your
advertisements, and in your mailers. When meeting people for
the first time, have something for them to do such as signing
up for an ezine. If you're giving a speech, ask for business
cards from your audience and offer to mail them a transcript of
your presentation or a free report that provides additional

Asking for a response is one of the simplest ways to measure
the effectiveness of your efforts. If one marketing method
generates more response than another, you know that it is more
effective and you can adjust your strategy accordingly. If
another isn't pulling a response, make changes to it. Don't
just hope that by repeating it unchanged it will somehow manage
to generate the results you're looking for.

Let response guide your marketing. Repeat successful efforts,
change unsuccessful ones, and always ask for a response so that
you know which is which.

3. Make Your Offers Shamelessly Irresistible

Whatever response you ask for, the more attractive you can make
it the better. In fact, a shamelessly irresistible offer is one
of the best ways to generate response.

You don't need to give away the farm to make your offers
attractive. All you need to do is think about things from your
customer's point of view. Ask yourself objectively "If I were
my customer, would I respond to this?"

You should fully explain the benefits you can deliver through
your product or service so that your prospects know exactly
what's in it for them. This alone will often drastically
improve the results you see.

But you might go further in making your offer as irresistible
as possible. An advertisement might offer a valuable,
informative free report. Your website might offer a free trial.
Your direct mail may include a coupon for a discount.

This is where creativity is important in marketing. Don't waste
your time (and money) trying to make your advertising "creative"
in the sense that most people think of the word. That is, don't
waste time trying to be funny, cute, or clever. Instead, invest
your time in thinking about ways that you can make your offers
more enticing and in ways that you can continue to add greater
value. That's creativity!

4. Repetition

Repetition in marketing is grossly misunderstood.

Most business owners think it means that they must keep
hammering away with their marketing efforts, confident that
once people have seen their company's message enough times,
they'll start to respond.

This is complete nonsense!

You should never repeat your marketing efforts unless they're
generating a profitable response for you. So the trick here is
to repeat the ones that work, and make changes to the ones that
don't before you attempt them again.

When it comes to marketing, never give up. Always continue to
market and advertise. Just don't repeat ads or offers that fail
to appeal to your customers. As we said above: Response is King!

5. Delight Your Customers

Make doing business with your company as easy and enjoyable as

Offer dazzling service. Instruct your sales people to educate
your prospects as much as possible, so that even if they don't
buy, they've still learned a lot about the benefits of your
products and services. Make sure your phone is always answered,
and if you do miss a call, return it promptly.

Outstanding service is part of successful marketing. All it
takes is a commitment to good service and a relentless approach
to follow up.


There are scores of other things you should do in marketing
your business, but if you focus on the five rules we've
discussed here, you'll be way ahead of most of your

If you're not happy with the way your marketing is working for
you, try incorporating even just one or two of these rules into
what you're doing and your effectiveness will improve.

About The Author: Andrew Pritchard is the owner of
http://www.inspire-consulting.com, a marketing company in
Michigan. They offer regular marketing tips through their free
email newsletter. Sign up at their website and you'll also
receive 3 free reports on marketing more effectively both
online and offline.

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Andrew Pritchard please

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