Thursday, November 16, 2006

ArticleBlaster Web Traffic - Feed News RSS Video - Using RSS to Expand Your PageRank and Traffic.


Author Name: James Saunders
Contact Email Address:
Category: Search Engine, Internet, Marketing, Advertising, Other

Description: According to a report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 5% (6 million) Americans online consume news and information through RSS aggregators. So the market is already out there!

Keywords: RSS feed, RSS feed directory, create RSS feed, add news feed to your web site, feed news RSS video, blog and RSS feed
Word Count: 1130

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Article Content:

Some popular searches are about: "feed image news reuters top" ,"xml news feed", "music news feed" and "xml feed".

But what are these Feeds any way? Read on to find out...

Can A Ping Really Help Your Blog Get Top Search Engine Rankings?

According to a report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 5% (6 million) Americans online consume news and information through RSS aggregators. So the market is already out there!
But what are RSS Feeds?

There are millions of dollars and thousand hours spent every day trying to Maximize website traffic, by both moral and amoral means. There is so much requirement for traffic solutions that people will go to any lengths to get ranked higher in the search engines. But did you know that you could Upgrade your traffic by about 20% right now, with virtually no effort?

Most times when you hear something like this I suppose that you turn tail and run as it will normally lead to your site s ranking demise. This particular technique of boosting traffic, however, is not a scam; it s not an dishonest ploy; it is a genuine algorithm of increasing traffic via a future internet typical. The purpose that you can Expand your traffic so vastly is because you are getting in on the ground floor of a new mechanism which will arise the internet and the way that traffic is distributed.

If you are adding RSS to your website for SEO, there is one important rule that must be followed: DON’T USE JAVASCRIPT! Javascript solutions are common and easy to implement. However, the javascript content won’t be indexed by the search engines and your page will not get SEO benefits from the feeds. ASP, PHP, and HTML alternatives for RSS are readily available.

The simple RSS explanation from the marketing point of view is that RSS is a simple to use publishing tool for marketers and publisher. It allows you to get your content delivered to end-users, without the fear of spam filters stoping your messages, and to other “content consumers” (other websites, search engines and so on).

For the website owner using RSS to deliver their content nullifies any lingering doubts about whether their content is actually getting through to the visitor, which is an issue to consider when using traditional newsletter marketing.

To sense what we re about to tell you, you need to conceive what an RSS feed is. Put alone, it s a defined format so that sharing your content on the spot with users and other websites. People can directly get access to teasers so that your existent newsletters, articles, blogs, content and more, and click through to see the full version. But RSS is not only about text. You can easily use it to deliver audio content, video content and even PowerPoint presentations and PDF files. This structure of distributing your information is very helpful cause it basically generates dynamic newsletters apparently spamming and without causing your visitor any sore at all. Certainly, lots users find RSS to be their preferred way to hear about updates as RSS is so fast, user-friendly, and (most importantly) high-powered.

RSS feeds are continually used by news sites or blogs, as the content changes often enough to make it appraised while. By using a great deal targeted RSS feeds, you can rebuild your site's web content besides having to assemble it on your own if someone offers you an RSS feed of their site, you can attach it to your site smoothly. This supplys you with a enjoyable content base which will retain visitors coming back. Using RSS will increase relevance and maximize freshness. RSS newsfeeds provide a variety of opportunities for increasing traffic to your website. The more news that people associate your site with the more worthy they consider your site.

The more essential they consider your site, the more arrogant search engines will consider your site. Providing RSS yourself will get lots of people to link to you and so potentially re-create your search engine rankings. Why?

1. RSS feeds can present delightful, proper content for your website there are plenty of RSS publishers with themed content so that you to choose from. These a great deal-targeted feeds will whenever you wish bear your keywords, and so Upgrowth the keyword relevancy of your website. This helps even more than you may think as the key words will be within link or anchor tags. Search engines appraise anchor tags hardly as much (if not more than) header tags (h1-h6).

2. RSS feeds can present new, fresh content. When new content is added to them, the old content drops off, making sure that your website s content doesn t go stale. Most of your visitors will not visit your site if they find that there is nothing new between the first and second time that they visit it. If you want to abstain your visitors where they belong, you have to have a respected selection of content that is updated on a regular basis.

3. RSS feeds can get search engines to crawl your site more often enough daily in some cases. This helps your site to rank higher in the search engines, and gives you an advance over your competition. Your RSS feed can do your SEO work for you.

Some other RSS Features are:

1. Microsoft is integrating RSS support in the next version of its Internet Explorer and is making RSS an integral part of its long-awaited Longhorn operating system.

2. Feeds are an increasingly popular way to save time, search and surf. If your content is valuable and interesting people will subscribe to your feed and click thru to those full articles or posts that interest them -- targeted traffic from a group that is relatively affluent and tech savvy.

3. There is no opt-in or opt-out requirement.

4. New content. Updated information.

RSS feeds can be great for getting your newsletter, articles, or blog onto other people's sites, and that s very powerful, as long as you make sure that your RSS feed is adding more to your corporation than it takes. There are many more techniques and opportunities available to you, from "direct subscribe" links to actually using opt-in forms, but these steps above should get you started in the shortest time possible. In some situations, you might find that enclosing RSS on your page makes visitors click away from your site, as they find that site s content more charismatic than you and people who click on RSS links might be less assumably to click on ads. Use care with RSS feeds( ap news feed) , or you could be in for a shock.

Author Biography:

James Saunders is the owner of <a href="">TrafficBoosterPro</a>, the SEO software which makes Unique Content pages Quickly and Easily! Software that bring massive Traffic from RSS Feeds in AutoPilot, now in it's 2nd revision at


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