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Article Title: How To Profit From PLR Articles
Author: Mike Collins
Word Count: 472
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: mcollins391[
with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
Private Label Rights (PLR) is the hottest thing to hit the
Internet in years. A lot of very smart people are making a lot
of money with them.
Do you want to be one of them?
Buying PLR articles is a dirt-cheap way to get your hands on
quality content. They usually only cost about 50 cents to a
dollar each, which is way less than paying a ghostwriter to
write them for you. Ghostwriters charge anywhere from $5-$20
for each article.
Once you purchase PLR articles you can do just about anything
you want with them. You should always read the 'terms of use'
before buying them, but typically they allow you to edit them
as much as you want and add your name as author.
So how do you make money from that?
That's really only limited by your own creativity, but I'll
give you a few suggestions to get your juices flowing.
1. You can package a bunch of articles together, convert them
into an ebook, and sell them online through sites like eBay or
2. Put a few articles together into a 'special report' and
release it for free. You can use it to entice visitors to sign
up for your newsletter. And if you embed your affiliate links
in the report, you will get some backend commissions too.
3. Release the articles one at a time through an autoresponder
like Aweber. Make it into an online lesson and weave a few
affiliate links into it.
4. Or just add them to your current blog or website. Work in
affiliate links or use Google AdSense to generate revenue from
The possibilities are endless, which is what makes PLR articles
so powerful.
There is only one concern I hear from people who are hesitant
to buy PLR articles online. They fear that since the article is
being sold multiple times, others will be offering the exact
same content.
But that's really nothing to worry about. All PLR sites I have
seen limit the number of packages they sell so they do not lose
their value.
And honestly, a lot of people who buy the packages get lazy and
never do anything with them. So even if 500 copies of the
package are sold, the true competition will
be much lower.
The best way to distinguish yourself from other purchasers is
to tweak the articles a bit and put your own spin on them. Add
a short introduction and a summary at the end. Rearrange a few
sentences and replace a few words with synonyms. It should only
take a few minutes to do, and you'll eliminate any threat that
someone else is offering duplicate content.
About The Author: Mike Collins You can find out more about
making money using PLR articles at
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