Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ArticleBlaster Biggest Traffic Generation System


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Eric Fields

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Article Title: Biggest Traffic Generation System
Author: Eric Fields
Word Count: 389
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: airpr23[at] (replace [at] with

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
The biggest traffic generation system you could ever get, has
to be built by yourself. Building your own traffic generation
system is not hard at all, it just takes work and effort. Once
you have built your own traffic generation system you will have
the blueprint to sell anything online.

What does your traffic system need to consist of? First we will
start with the traffic that you can pay for. Before hiring any
company do your research on their past performance, and how
effective they are at their jobs. In order to get your website
on the search engines I would hire a company to submit the
website for you and to optimize your webpage. Make sure the
company is doing hand submissions for you, automatic
submissions get penalized by some search engines. Next
depending on your budget I would hire a traffic specialist to
drive traffic to your site. There are huge firms that can
charge anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 dollars and there are
freelancers who will charge only a couple of hundred dollars. A
freelancer may be a little more risky than going with a big
firm. Once again it just depends on your budget. Lastly I would
use Pay Per Click advertising as well. You can hire a specialist
to handle this for you as well or you can do it yourself. If you
are going it alone make sure to start with a small amount of
money at first. As you begin to understand the process then add
more money accordingly.

We will now cover getting traffic on your own. There are a
number of ways to get traffic on your own. First the easiest
way of gaining traffic is to write articles and submit them to
different directories. The next way to get traffic is to create
a blog and give out daily tips on your business. Also promote
your business offline with business cards, fliers and other
promotional tools that you can hand out to people. There are
many other ways to create traffic, the key is being persistent.
Taking one day off can affect tomorrow's sales.

The biggest traffic generation system is right in front of
you. Everyday you should be hiring someone to drive traffic for
you or driving traffic yourself.

About The Author: Biggest Traffic Generation System was written
be Eric Fields. To learn in detail more techniques visit: This article may be
reprinted provided no part thereof is edited in any way and
this resource box is included.

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Eric Fields please visit:

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