Saturday, November 25, 2006

ArticleBlaster Affiliate Programs That Make You The Most Profits


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Article Title: Affiliate Programs That Make You The Most
Author: Danny Wirken
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Author's Email Address: wirken[at] (replace [at] with

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Affiliate marketing has proven to be an effective Internet
marketing strategy. Businesses that otherwise would have to
rely on advertising alone reaps benefits from having affiliate
programs wherein their �affiliates� did the promoting for them
consequently leading to larger volumes in sales. Businesses
quickly caught on to the idea so that more and more businesses
used affiliate programs as part of their marketing strategies.
With the boom in affiliate marketing and the increased
competition between affiliate programs, people are finding it
hard to believe that they can still even make money in such a
competitive field. Affiliate programs, however, really do
create revenue for the affiliates. The question is which of the
programs will make you the most profits?

Selecting a Sound Affiliate Program

Doing a search query on the top affiliate programs or best
affiliate programs, however, will not give you very useful
results since the search results lists affiliate programs
promoting or claiming themselves to be the best or top earning
affiliate program. Questionable claims since all of them claim
to be on at least the top ten best affiliate programs and they
are of course, more than ten. The truth is that there is no
affiliate program out there that will really make you rich
unless you know how to make the program work for you. It is
still imperative though to choose a good affiliate program.

Here are some tips to for selecting sound affiliate programs.

1. Know your niche market - The trick in choosing the best
affiliate programs to make you the most profit is actually to
choose the program(s) that suits you best. Each program is
different and even among the best programs will yield different
results for different people. Choosing the program that suits
you best means selecting a program whose products or services
are those that will appeal to a target audience that you can
reach. Although a program may have the best products if they do
not appeal to most of your most of your contacts or audience
then you still won�t make much money. You of all people know
what kind of traffic your existing site or soon to be
constructed site will receive. Based on that knowledge select a
program or a set of programs that provides things they are
interested in or need. Choose a product that there is already a
demand for.

2. Choose a program whose products or services are those that
you won�t hesitate to use - Another important thing in choosing
an affiliate program is to choose one whose products or services
are something that you believe in. Do not ever promote something
you don�t believe in just to make money. This idea is not just
for morality�s sake but has practical consequences too.
Promoting something you are not comfortable to promote can back
fire. If your customer has a bad experience with what you
promote, that experience will surely lower your customer�s
opinion of you and with enough customers, enough not even being
many, disgruntled your reputation can be affected leading to
less trust about your referrals. Even if it is not your fault
that the company�s products are of low quality or offers bad
service you are still to blame for promoting something
substandard. The best product or service to promote is, of
course, something you have personally tried and are satisfied

3. Choose a program with good commission structure - In
choosing the best affiliate program it is important to take
note of the commission structure. The best structure would be
one that pays you on a regular basis, say monthly or quarterly.
If, however, the product being promoted is something that does
not sell on a regular basis a monthly or quarterly payment
scheme might not be the best for you. In this check out the
figures and find out which company gives the largest percentage
for each sale.

4. Check the affiliate program�s methods for tracking and
recording your orders � To learn about this, read the program�s
rules and policies before signing up. A good affiliate program
should have a way for you to track your statistics on hits and
sales. This tracking system should preferably be able to show
you real-time statistics. For verification purposes it is also
better if the program sends email notifications for each sale
made from you referral. This plus the records from the tracking
system will allow you to cross check your sales and keep track
of earnings. However, it is better to choose a program that
offers a third party auditing service responsible for making
sure that the company�s records regarding your affiliate
account are accurate. This will lessen the hassle of your
having to cross check each and every transaction made and will
help back your claims in case you see anything wrong with your

5. Find out what marketing tools the affiliate program use �
This is important especially if you have not that much
experience in marketing. A good affiliate program should be
able to offer adequate marketing tools for you or else you will
end up having to do more to create interest in the products or
services offered. The marketing tools provided should also be
known to be effective and will go well with your website, in
case you already have one, or at least help you in setting up a
new one. Find out what type of ads they use. Do they have banner
ads, text ads, or both? Choose a program with marketing tools
that you feel will go with the overall scheme of your website.

Making Affiliate Program Work for You

After taking all of the factors into consideration you can then
choose several affiliate programs whose products and services
compliment each other. It is best to not just use one program
with one product because you want to your customers to have a
choice and a good variety of products to choose from. The
products should be related to each other though since there is
a good chance that your customers will be interested in buying
both. Another advantage in joining several affiliate programs
would be incorporating the different marketing strategies of
each program. For example, you can have a site that offers
certain products to members wherein the products you sell are
your own products. You can then join an affiliate program for
similar products and offer comparison charts in your website
giving your customers an option to buy directly from you or one
of the programs. In either case you will earn profit from the
sale. You can then add links to complimentary products provided
by another affiliate program in case they need something else
related to what they have bought already. And then you can also
have an informative section in your website where mini-articles
related to your products and its uses and in the article pages
post contextual ads from affiliate programs like Google
AdSense. This well balanced mix of programs will give your
customers plenty of options and generate more income for you
than just one affiliate program even if that program promises a
very high commission.

About The Author:

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