Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ArticleBlaster What It Takes To Earn $6.75/Hour At Starbucks


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Article Title: What It Takes To Earn $6.75/Hour At Starbucks
Author: Kim Klaver
Word Count: 708
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=95171&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: refresh.me[at]gmail.com (replace [at]
with @)

Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.com/html.php?aid=95171

================== ARTICLE START ==================
There�s an upscale and charming shopping area in Kansas City,
MO, called the Plaza. One of the most popular places there is
Starbucks. Always packed, and always those friendly people at
the counter (baristas), making JUST the drink you want.

Have you ever noticed how many types of drinks they offer? 33
on the board tonight � the cappuccinos, the lattes, the fraps,
the espressos, the teas, and 15 "customizations" on those, from
with Soy, organic milk, decaf, no foam, iced or hot, and on and

These baristas need to know how to make them all. And be
friendly and engaging with the each of the hundreds of
customers coming through. Tonight, I asked the manager what
they paid people, and what it takes to be hired. Here�s the

People hired at this very busy and wonderful store in KC start
at $6.75/hour. If someone works 20 hours/week or more, they'd
earn about $290/mo. (Starbucks also adds some benefits if
someone works 20 hours +/mo.)

And the training required to be considered for a job at

�2 weeks,� she said. During those two weeks, the new person
gets about 30 hours of personal training and practice. The
program culminates in the new recruit�s doing a demo for the
group, showing they can make all the different drinks and the
variations people request.

Why does any of this matter?

People say they do network marketing to make income. Many
expect to make much more than $290/mo for the 10 hours' per
week work. They talk about $5,000 or more per month. That�s the
promise isn�t it? Financial freedom?

Now compare:

A Starbucks employee working 10 hours per week in KC grosses
$290.25 per month (4.3 weeks in a month @ $67.50/week). They�ve
trained 30 hours over two weeks to learn and then demo what they
need to know for the job..

People in our business offer recruits much more than $290/month
for 10 hours� week work, don�t they?

And with that offer of much bigger income, how much focused,
personal training did you get?

Did you spend 30 hours in the first two weeks learning how to
do what�s required in this business? Like HOW TO TALK TO PEOPLE
about the products and the business?

How many of you had to demonstrate, before you could start
working and talking to others, that you knew how to talk to
people about the products and the business? Did you have
rehearsals and mock conversations for all the kinds of
situations where you want to know just WHAT to say?

How does the Starbucks training compare to what you got?

Do you suppose the non-training of our recruits on how to talk
to people affects the reaction of someone out there - who would
be a prospective customer or business partner?

What if, the next time you stopped by a Starbucks counter, the
person behind the bar screwed up your drink. Might you get
upset at the $6.75/hour employee? They're SUPPOSED to know how
to make those drinks, yes?

In the recruiting world, your world, other people just walk
away when you don't talk to them right. They didn't "get it".
And if you've never learned how to talk to people right, how
could they get it?

And so we go on, often turning off the very people who might be
our prospects for the products or the business, because no one
has learned how to talk to people right about the business or
product they have. And we're expecting financial freedom? HA.

Who else thinks there�s more to making big money, or ANY money
at all, than signing the application and telling others how
great the products and business are?

Are you ready to start the first 3 hours of your 30 hour
"Starbucks training" on how to talk to a big banana or little
one about your business? Here's one option(
http://www.eventbrite.com/event/20444149) . Sorry, couldn't
help myself...


What if you become a "what to say to people" pundit?

About The Author: Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated.
Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a
popular blog, http://KimKlaverBlogs.com, a podcast,
http://YourGreatThing.com and a giant resource site,

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Kim Klaver please visit:

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