Wednesday, October 25, 2006

ArticleBlaster Searching For An Internet Home Based Business?. . . . The questions begin with you.

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Ruby River
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Article Title:

Searching For An Internet Home Based Business?. . . . The questions begin with you.

Article Description:

When I lost my long-term employment only then did I truly realize
that I had a CHOICE. I consciously made the decision to work at
home from the Internet. Read on as we explore whether an internet
home business is right for you...

Additional Article Information:

600 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-10-25 12:48:00

Written By: Ruby River
Copyright: 2006
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Searching For An Internet Home Based Business?. . . . The questions begin with you.
Copyright (c) 2006 Ruby River
Rubys Home Based Business Opportunity

When I lost my long-term employment only then did I truly realize
that I had a CHOICE. I consciously made the decision to work at
home from the Internet.

First, let us acknowledge some of the reasons Internet home based
business is BIG business:

* Job security once taken for granted is declining due to
outsourcing, company closures and cutbacks;

* One parent deciding to stay home to raise their children. The
lack of affordable child care is often a consideration. It does
not make financial sense in many cases for both parents to work
outside of the home;

* Private sector pensions and personal savings are no longer
adequate when it is time for baby boomers to retire. Having an
Internet home based business well into our seventies is not all
that uncommon, or

* Some of us are just sick of working for someone else and want
to enjoy the freedom of working for ourselves.

Ok, you have made the solid decision of becoming a stay at home
entrepreneur. With the vast services, products, information and
opportunities the Internet offers becoming overwhelmed can be
attained in an instant by a click of your mouse.

I would like to suggest asking yourself a few questions and
create some guidelines BEFORE you go about your quest of finding
an Internet home based business. Your business is truly an
investment in yourself.

Write these questions and answers down. Have a dialogue with
yourself. You may be surprised how they may vary after a week or
so, or you may add questions to your list. The idea is to be
conclusive no matter if it takes a day, a week or three months.

The first question to ask is:

1. What do I want to accomplish with my Internet business? What
are my goals? This is not a redundant question. Be specific. Your
goals are where it all begins.

2. How much time can I, or am I willing to give to this home
based business on a daily basis? Being very clear on your true
time availability is necessary.

3. What is my budget for my business?

4. Do I want my business to be within an established company or
do I want to be a totally independent entity with my own
products/services? If you want to be totally independent then

Your business could spring from an interest, talent or hobby that
you are knowledgeable and passionate about. Write them ALL down
even if you dismiss them from the get go--keep an open mind. I am
not a total believer in the "do what you love and success will
follow" mind set being the cure all, but having a true belief
in, or a passion for your products/services is essential.

5. How knowledgeable am I about my products/services? Do I need
to do more research? You certainly do not have to be an expert,
but being knowledgeable is important.

If you choose to work within a company, your choices are diverse
as well. Additional questions could be.........

6. How long has the company been in business?

7. Are they reputable?

8. Does the company have a strong structure (i.e. training,
support, marketing strategy, automation system for payment,
invoicing, etc?)

9. Are their products/services something I can be proud of?

10. Will I have to do any handling of the products?

And, of course, include on your list other aspects you already
know that you do, or do not want in a business.

The process can feel daunting, but take your time, research and
ask lots of questions. It is well worth the expenditure. Good

Ruby River is the proud owner of an established, hybrid,
Internet home based business that cuts through the hype
and presents a genuine opportunity to fire your boss
and exceed your income goals. Exclusively for serious,
motivated, entrepreneur minded individuals, visit:


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