Wednesday, October 25, 2006

ArticleBlaster Papertree A Shop An Experience


Author Name: Karishma Roy
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Category: Business, , , ,
Description: PAPERtree is a cozy little shop located at Pedder Road that has a warm ambience and offers a wide spectrum of stationery products.
Keywords: Corporate, Gifts, Accessories, Promotions, Indian, Product, Rajasthan, Wooden Handicrafts, Corporate, Gifts, Paper, Tree, Shop, Stationery Product, Mumbai, Vendors, Unbreakable Pencil, Boxes
Word Count: 614

Article Content:

The last time you went shopping for stationery, how much time, did you spend in the stationery shop? 10 to 15 minutes most people might end up saying but with the mind-boggling variety available at "Paper tree", you very well might end up spending a couple of hours there. Situated near Jaslok Hospital, Pedder Road in Mumbai, this cozy little shop is a unique concept in the history of stationery shops. Initiated on 22 November 2000, Paper Tree is designed on the lines of a super market, where you can relax and shop for the requisite products at your own pace.

Prima Facie, the place appears to be very small, but when you move around, you realize that it has an extensive range of stationery products. At PAPERtree, you could find anything from an unbreakable pencil or Eco-friendly notebook to gift tags, decorative gift boxes, and all this at reasonable prices. As Mr. Sanjiv Taktawala, the proprietor of PAPERtree puts it, "We believe in providing quality, and variety at standardized prices."

PAPERtree has an extremely customer friendly environment and Mr. Taktawala believes in providing the customers with the best in products and services. In fact, they happen to have a money back guarantee on their products, which is unheard of in stationery shops. Mr. Taktawala assures that, "In case the product you purchase turns out to be faulty, we take the product back and return your money, no questions asked."

Mr. Sanjiv strongly believes in providing the customers with what they require and goes about making the customers aware as to what would suit their requirements the best. He does this by means of one-to-one interaction with the customers. In the words of Mr. Sanjiv, "We don't just want to maximize our sales, but want to sell to the customers what they want."

PAPERtree holds one-to-one interaction, not only with the customers who visit their shop, but also use this practice with their corporate clientele, which includes the likes of ONGC and Templeton. In these companies, they talk to the Admin. Managers and guide them as to how they can rationalize and cut down on the cost of the stationery that is used by their company.

PAPERtree as you must have known by now, believes in going beyond the image of a normal stationery shop. This is again proved by their practice of letting their vendors hold exhibitions at their shop. On such days, the regular stationery is moved out of the shop and the stationery of only that particular vendor is stocked.

Due to PAPERtree's innovative ways, it has received an overwhelming response from the stationery aficionados. In addition, so Mr. Sanjiv has various expansion plans for PAPERtree. His long-term plan is to multiply the number of outlets, initially at the city level and later at the national level. In addition, once PAPERtree has ample outlets, Mr. Sanjiv is planning to have a website, wherein you can order stationery online. In addition, if you are within 2 kilometers of any of their shops, then the stationery will be home delivered to you within an hour's time and that too at no extra cost. Their short-term plan will come as good news for the people in the suburbs and Nariman Point as they are soon going to have two new outlets - one at Hill Road, Bandra and another one at Arcadia, Nariman Point.

We could rightly conclude that PAPERtree, the stationery shop is aptly christened so, because just like a tree, PAPERtree is slowly, but gradually spreading it branches and venturing into new avenues to provide you with stationery that is par excellence.

Author Biography:

The Author compiles and puts together information for interesting reading.
Karishma Roy
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