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Article Title: Have You Discovered The Five Hidden Costs Of
Network Marketing?
Author: Kim Klaver
Word Count: 341
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: refresh.me[at]
with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
When someone is looking to recruit another person into their
network marketing business, they offer some variation of one
big promise: Financial independence, big income or whatever
money can buy, e.g. the mansion on the hill, the fancy belts
cars, etc. That's the promise.
However, no one, at least not on their websites or in their
standard presentations that I have ever seen, tells anyone the
hidden costs associated with the business of network marketing.
Five hidden costs come to mind, and you may have more. Here are
my five:
1. It takes money to develop a business
2. It takes time and effort
3. There's a social cost: you may be socially ostricized by
some people you know.
4. Your self-esteem will likely take a big hit as you discover
people don't react the way you thought they would
5. There is no guarantee of success. In fact, there's a very
high rate of failure.
Aren't these real costs of our business? And who, that you
know, actually TELLS it like it is up front?
Have you been taught to hide these costs from your business
prospects too?
If so, there's really no surprise when most of those who start
drop out, is there? Especially those who are inexperienced
doing a business of their own.
And to an experienced business person checking out your
business, someone who hides the hidden costs looks either
ignorant or dishonest.
Not a good thing.
What if, for the big banana hunt, we turn tables and LEAD with
the hidden costs?
ASK for people who have what it takes to make it work, and who
have the attitude, resources and energy to put into it.
Yes, fewer will sign up. But they'd be better qualified and
more likely to make a success of it.
"Have you discovered the five hidden costs of network
About The Author: Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated.
Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a
popular blog, http://KimKlaverBlo
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