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Article Title: Mathew Frank, The Creator Of Intratrakker
Author: Jambhala Rinpo
Word Count: 567
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: jambhala[at]
(replace [at] with @)
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Who is this Mathew Frank guy and what the heck is IntraTrakker?
Is this guy for real?
Allow me to reveal to you the truth about Mathew and his
revolutionary new software IntraTrakker. The rumors that are
going around have some truth to them.
Yes, Mathew Frank was an underground hacker that has worked for
the Australian government on computer system security issues,
hacking for a Canadian company that is currently consulting for
the US Federal government, and has recently acted as a security
consultant for a company in New Zealand.
I was unable to get Mathew to disclose further details of this
work for obvious reasons of secrecy. Of course now he's no
longer 'underground'
what he reveals and what is best left secret.
Like most hackers, he was self-taught to begin with, and then
went on to study engineering and programming to further his
skills. He then followed up his interest in Internet marketing
and attended one of Jay Abraham and Stephen Pierce's Internet
Empire Apprenticeship Programs. That's where he made some
valuable contacts which sparked the ideas that led him to start
developing covert marketing 'tactical weapons' for an elite
So what is IntraTrakker? Well, it's the first of his covert
marketing tactical weapons that he's choosing to unleash at
this time, and although it's just one small step for a
programmer like Mathew, it really is a giant leap for the
covert internet marketing operatives that choose to utilise
this invaluable tool.
There really has been nothing like IntraTrakker available
before, and it certainly does give you inside intelligence
about the behaviours of your target market. It's that very
information that you need as a marketer to give you the edge on
what your customers want.
As for the other tactical weapons that Mathew has up his
sleave, well, I do have insider information on their
capabilities, but I can't tell you what they are at this time.
I've been sworn to secrecy.
What I can tell you is this: That his marketing weapon toolbox
is powerful, and could be dangerous if it got into the wrong
hands. I can understand completely why he wouldn't want to
disclose some of these tools to just anyone. Not only would it
jeopardize the effectiveness of the tools if everyone were
using them, but it could also be disastrous in the hands of
someone who would use them for unethical means.
That being said, I suggest that if you want to excel in
internet marketing and gain access to these tools in the
future, then keep a close eye on what Mathew Frank is up to,
sign up to his list, befriend him now before fame puts him out
of reach, and take him up on his offers. He's going to be
letting a lot more people have access to IntraTrakker than he
will to the other tools in his toolbox, and I wouldn't doubt
that he'll give first dibs to the covert internet marketing
operatives that purchased IntraTrakker.
Mathew Frank is giving you a small window of opportunity to
join his elite group of covert operatives. From what I've seen
thus far, from being on the inside, I suggest you take it while
it's available.
About The Author: Jambhala Rinpo - Covert Marketing Inside
Intelligence Agent and Joint Venture Broker. If you want to
join Mathew's JV for IntraTrakker, you can sign up here:
JV blog for more info at:
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