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Article Title: How To Avoid Pay Per Click Advertising Blues
Author: Vishy Dadsetan
Word Count: 838
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: marketing[at]
(replace [at] with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
Over a decade I spent in the world of finance and investment
left its mark on a deep emotional level. I wear these marks not
with so much pride since that was hammered out long ago but with
a sense of nostalgia.
According to wikipedia Johannes Hofer, a medical student in
1678 coined the nostalgia (nostos = returning home, algos =
pain/longing) to define the pain a sick person feels because he
wishes to return to his native land, and fears never to see it
As we use the term these days, it is associated with a fond
memory. I have to admit that I do not cherish all the memories
from the world of finance. One series of memories that I am not
so fond of is the one associated with emotional drain when an
investment did not go the way expected despite every effort
I have learned that these emotional drains do not have to be
large to be painful. And large or small they impact our
decision making ability.
On the Web we want targeted Web traffic, the kind of customers
who are actually looking to buy our products and services. In
the search for targeted traffic we come across pay per click
advertising and here is where my old scars of emotional errors
act up.
One of the most emotionally painful pay per click experiences
is paying too much for a keyword especially if we do not make
any sales. I have seen hundreds of dollars drain from my
accounts in a day. Ouch!!!
After these types of experiences, it is hard to remain
objective and take necessary risks without going overboard.
This is where our personal pay per click advertising comfort
zone comes in.
The emotional comfort zone acts like pain receptors in the
body, telling us when something is wrong. Working with our
comfort zone allows for a safe, gradual and constant progress.
Acknowledging our comfort zone provides an emotional structure
for us to work with pay per click advertising system
There is a lot of self-improvement B.S. (Bad Suggestions) about
raising your expectations, stretching beyond your comfort zone
and living outside the box. The fact is that we must know the
box before we can live outside of it. Most of us cannot afford
losing too much sleep when we are trying to stretch our limits
and at the same time pay our bills.
We try something beyond our comfort zone and after a few days
or weeks of being miserable; we go back to our comfort zone.
All we have to show for is more misery and another failure.
I suggest that you get to know your pay per click advertising
comfort zone and stay with it. Let positive experience expand
it naturally. Don't force it.
If you can afford a $50 advertising budget, stay with it and
find the best way to use it. As you see results and make money
you will naturally be comfortable with $75 and then $100.
You must realize positive tangible results to help you move to
the next level. Don't let wild imagination and promises lure
you away from your budget. Don't let greed for more instant
profits or fear from not making sales run wild. Stay within
your pay per click advertising comfort zone.
If you have never done pay per click advertising, one way to
approach it is to begin with the assumption that from every 100
targeted visitors one will buy our product. The actual number
could be higher or lower and you need to adjust to it once the
results come in. So if you have a budget of $10, this means you
can pay up to $0.10 for each visitor. And an advertising budget
of $50 provides a cap of $0.50 for keywords.
Your profit margin also impacts the budget. A profit of $10 per
sale means that the most you can spend on advertising is $10 if
you do not want to lose money. That in turn means your maximum
advertising budget is $10 which caps the most you can pay per
visitor at $.10 if you keep the assumption of 1 sale from every
100 visitors.
The only thing I did not speak of is the value of repeat
business and the life time value of a client which wraps up in
acquisition cost of new client. I know, that is a mouthful and
that is why I left the subject for anther article.
May you benefit from all your advertising efforts and may your
comfort zone expand to match your ideals.
* DISCLAIMER: Vishy Dadsetan, just-web-marketing.
Favorite Shop, Inc. do not endorse any purchase or sale of any
products. Although Vishy Dadsetan has made every effort to
ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information
contained in this site, it assumes no responsibility for
errors, omissions, inaccuracies, or inconsistencies.
About The Author: Vishy Dadsetan writes articles that can help,
educate and entertain. Additional information:
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